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Has anyone had a pup that really struggled with teething?

I just had Amber refuse to eat for a couple of days for no apparent reason. No vomiting or diarrhea just not eating. The only thing that showed on the xrays was a bit of gas.

I mentioned to the vet that I was thinking it was her teeth as she was picking up her kibble and dropping it out of her mouth. She looked very much like a horse that needed its teeth done. Nothing looked amiss in her mouth though.

She is eating again but still struggling with kibble. She is also going nuts chewing now. I just looked in her mouth and the gum just near her teeth looks a bit red.

I know you can give them frozen things but not sure if she would chew on them. Can you give a dog bonijel?

I've never had a dog react like this before, usually don't even notice teething. She was so sad I thought she was going to die early this week!

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some dogs when teething suffer worse than others.

Frozen or cold things will help with the pain in her gums. as long as her puppy teeth are falling out when the adult teeth come thru things should settle down.

i have never used anything to help with teething other than puppy teething toys and frozen chicken wings and would personally not use bonijel. If you dont want to give her frozen chicken wings or necks then pop some of her fave treats in a bowl or cup, fill with water and freeze. when ready take the ice block out of the container and give to your pup, this way she doesnt have to chew but can lick and mouth. this should help her gums. putting treats in the water will flavour the water and make it more palatable.

rather than give her kibble for meals if she is finding it hard, feed her soft foods or put the kibble in some stock to soften. this will make it easier for her to eat.

Im sure others will be along to give you some other tips as well.

hang in there




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Aww.. poor thing!

Charlie was a little like this.. but it was like all his teeth came out at once (seriously.. i checked his mouth and all of the top row of his teeth was missing.. a week later.. i checked again and all his bottom front teeth was gone).. I fed him some soft food like mince and I crushed up his kibbles and mixed some sardines in it... he loved it.

The other day.. I saw Emmy losing a teeth, and I gave her a small block of frozen beef mince.. the ice numbed her gum and once it was soft enough, she ate the mince too (she bite into a chicken neck and lost the tooth in the chicken neck). She was happy with that.

I give them a lot of ice or frozen stuff for them to chew on.. they really love it.

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I tried soaking the kibble when it started but she was obviously in the eating hurts stage and wouldn't touch it. She was eating her lamp off cuts but was spitting the bone out. I've got some of that in the freezer so I'll try her on it. She was on the light weight side of normal and lost stacks of weight just in those few days. Luckily she kept drinking.

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I tried soaking the kibble when it started but she was obviously in the eating hurts stage and wouldn't touch it. She was eating her lamp off cuts but was spitting the bone out. I've got some of that in the freezer so I'll try her on it. She was on the light weight side of normal and lost stacks of weight just in those few days. Luckily she kept drinking.

Charlie lost a little bit of weight when he was teething.. but once his teeth grew back, he ate non stop for a few days afterwards

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Yeah tried mixing stuff in the kibble. Got her Natures Gift because that is softer. She is eating it again but one piece of kibble at a time and she doesn't look too happy about it. She had some Phuds and meat last night. Phuds is like Vets All Natural.

Fish for Dogs has been going down ok but even the NG tinned food must be a bit hard to chew as she is dropping that out of her mouth.

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