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Doggie Diabetes


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Well, after an extended health check on my old girl, Lucy, the verdict is she has diabetes.

Its a daunting idea, having to give her injections twice a day, I hope she takes them well.

We're heading back to the vets tomorrow to get her blood sugar levels monitored during the day.

I think I need a support group :-), so does anyone have any experience with dealing with this?

I guess I'm after some ideas of what to look out for, signs of a hypo reaction and the best types of feeding regime to try.

My vet is very good, but I am abit of a researcher myself, so any help would be greatfully accepted.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Christie - The only bit of info I can give you is the dietary information we were told at a Hills Prescription Diet Workshop...

Something like hills w/d helps maintain stable blood glucose levels and it is high in fibre and a complete and balanced diet for dogs that can help the body be more responsive to the insulin. The only other thing we were taught was that to make sure that Diabetic dogs and cats don't scavange for food and that they always have access to a lot of water.

Hope Lucy goes well for you!

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