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Litters Due September


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Sunday was a busy day, early hours of the morning Jett whelped 14 puppies, 9 males and 5 females on her own. 2 didn't make it on sunday little girl ;) little boy :rofl::cheer: Run Free little ones, you were too good for this world.

the puppies weighed in between 204gm - 354gm.

This morning we lost one while I was feeding the childen their breakfast (amalia 10 months old, riley 6), she squashed our little Orange Boy :):rofl::cry: - another one who was too good for this world. The hurt I feel in my heart is overwhelming because I left them alone, but I know in my head that I cant be there every single second, I have been so vigilent watching over them, counting them constantly. Its just so heartbreaking. She squashed another (a girl not long after, but I managed to revive her and she is doing well, suckled on mum for a while. I cant believe I was actually able to revive it... lots of rubbing, diping and blowing and she finally took a big breath. I kept a hold of her for a while to make sure she would be okay before I put her on Jett.

Sent son off with sister-in-law so I can stay with the puppies (Amalia is fine in the highchair or play pen, or sleeping as she is doing now). I am so scared to leave them for a second because Jett is so big and they are so small, she cant feel them if they snuggle in and may accidently squash another :rofl:

I will post some pictures later as she is in the office and I cant get to my computer to add the pictures.

I know having a litter is very emotional, but even moreso when you lose some :rofl:

Edited by TrinaJ
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Firstly congratulations Trina on Jetts litter. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is a large litter for a first time mum and unfortunately sometimes mum's will squash a puppy not realising they are lying on them. Don't beat yourself up as you just can't watch them every single second of the day. You can only do as much as you can and get them through the first week or so, when they get a bit stronger they can sort of help themselves get out of trouble (sometimes). You just need to try and teach mum about being aware of where she is, some do learn and realise and some don't, that is just the way it is.

Most of all you need to stay calm so that Mum stays calm. Help her as much as you can within reason.

Welcome to the highs and lows of being a breeder. Like I have said to you there is still a very long way to go.

Edited by Stolzseinrotts
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I'm so glad it all went well. Well done Jett! So sad about the lost babies, :rofl: very difficult with so many of them. I had to revive one of our little girls that got flattened but she was okay and there was only 6 of them at that stage! Can't begin to imagine how difficult it is with double that number!

Don't beat yourself up...your kids are actually more important and needed you at that time...you can't be watching every second. They'll get stronger day by day. :rofl:

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Congratulations 14 WOW well done Jet --- You would have felt like you were working on a production line ---- you wouldn't have known which one to catch ---- No you can't be there 24/7 when you have a family that needs you as well, you do what you can. Jet will soon learn how to move around them so as not to cause injury.

Good Luck

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Thanks guys :laugh:

Jett and puppies are doing well (she is snoring now), the 2 little ones who didn't gain much weight the first day have actually put on 25gm over night and are feeding really well now so that is a relief. They are getting some biolac via eye dropper on the tongue and then going on Jett as that is what my mentor suggested to get their weight up a bit. They seem really hungry after getting a taste of this and then really suckling hard on Jett when I put them back in the whelping box with her.

Jett has 1 inverted nipple, I have been massaging it and am able to get some milk out of and watching it closely so that she doesn't get mastitus (its not sore to touch or anything and no hard lump, have also applied a warm facewasher). Are inverted nipples common? How often should I massage and try and express the area?

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Thanks guys :laugh:

Jett and puppies are doing well (she is snoring now), the 2 little ones who didn't gain much weight the first day have actually put on 25gm over night and are feeding really well now so that is a relief. They are getting some biolac via eye dropper on the tongue and then going on Jett as that is what my mentor suggested to get their weight up a bit. They seem really hungry after getting a taste of this and then really suckling hard on Jett when I put them back in the whelping box with her.

Jett has 1 inverted nipple, I have been massaging it and am able to get some milk out of and watching it closely so that she doesn't get mastitus (its not sore to touch or anything and no hard lump, have also applied a warm facewasher). Are inverted nipples common? How often should I massage and try and express the area?

Bonnie had a very inverted upper nipple, but the girls took care of that. Within a week of sucking, it had come out fully.

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They are gorgeous Liz :)

Jett squashed another puppy this morning, I must have dozed off for about half an hour (7am) when I opened my eyes and did a head count 1 was missing, Mr Blue :( Run free with your brothers and sister little man :confused:

Am trying so hard to stay awake, I am paranoid that something will happen if I leave the room, eyes are burning but I have to stay awake. Thankfully OH looked after Jett and the puppies tonight, I went to bed around 8 and woke up 11.30 to amalia crying (fed her), went back to bed and then OH woke me at 1ish for my turn (he has to work). Jett is snoring and farting - OMG the smells ;) - 6 puppies are passed out on the vetbed, 2 fallen asleep at the nipple and 2 of the larger ones are happily sucking away. I need a TV in the office, wish I could take the plasma off the wall and just bring it in here, I need something to keep me awake, think its time for hot chocolate.

Edited by TrinaJ
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I just love all of your puppies Liz but I am afraid I am very partial to the first tri colour --- Just love the tri's

Hmmm..she's my favourite too! ;) When she was born after the three Blenheim girls I said "Here's my girl"..who knows...maybe if all the boxes tick..... :confused:

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They are gorgeous Liz :)

Jett squashed another puppy this morning, I must have dozed off for about half an hour (7am) when I opened my eyes and did a head count 1 was missing, Mr Blue :( Run free with your brothers and sister little man :confused:

Am trying so hard to stay awake, I am paranoid that something will happen if I leave the room, eyes are burning but I have to stay awake. Thankfully OH looked after Jett and the puppies tonight, I went to bed around 8 and woke up 11.30 to amalia crying (fed her), went back to bed and then OH woke me at 1ish for my turn (he has to work). Jett is snoring and farting - OMG the smells ;) - 6 puppies are passed out on the vetbed, 2 fallen asleep at the nipple and 2 of the larger ones are happily sucking away. I need a TV in the office, wish I could take the plasma off the wall and just bring it in here, I need something to keep me awake, think its time for hot chocolate.

Oh you poor thing, don't let sleep deprivation get the better of you. Believe me it's very dangerous, particularly with small children to look after. I work night shift and sometimes only get 3 hours of sleep at a hop, 3 during he day and 3 again in the evening...broken sleep is the pits, but I have to get my youngest from school, feed animals, people etc. and just do general 'stuff'... so I need to be up in the afternoons.

It might seem harsh but this is a common theme for large litters and you've probably saved many over the last few days on repeated occassions. Try and rest when the babies are (yours and Jetts!) Remember this too will soon pass. :hug:

Bonnie post puppy farts were far less worse than her pre natal ones....probably because she only had 5 placentas (I managed to get one away from her) I'm sure Jett had way more LOL :(

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If it gets to the point where you require a couple of good solid hours pop your girl into a crate next to the whelping box after the babies have had a good food and get some winks :confused:
Agree 100%

Excellent...sleep without worry. ;)

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If it gets to the point where you require a couple of good solid hours pop your girl into a crate next to the whelping box after the babies have had a good food and get some winks :)

Excellent advice!

How are the puppies Trinaj?

Sorry about your the lost puppies.

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If it gets to the point where you require a couple of good solid hours pop your girl into a crate next to the whelping box after the babies have had a good food and get some winks :heart:

Excellent advice!

How are the puppies Trinaj?

Sorry about your the lost puppies.

BUMP.... how are the puppies and you doing?

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Puppies are doing well. Have one struggler who I am having to top up feed with an eye dropper and he doesn't like it at all. He has doubled his birth weight but is just so little compared to the rest. He's a sweet little thing.

Here are some pictures of the bubbas at 11 days old.








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