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How Healthy Are They?



154 members have voted

  1. 1. Does/do your dog/dogs have skin problems?

    • allergies
    • hormonal
    • yeast
    • bacterial
    • other
    • NO :)
  2. 2. does/do your dog/dogs have joint/bone issues?

    • HD
    • OCD
    • osteosarcoma
    • dietary imbalance issues
    • fractures
    • weakness in bone density
    • panosteitis
    • connective tissue probs , like ligaments.
    • Other.
    • NO :)
  3. 3. does/do your dog/dogs have digestion problems like..

    • food intolerances
    • food allergies
    • pancreas problems
    • liver problems
    • motility problems
    • valve problems
    • vomiting problems
    • other
    • NO :)

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My Asali has a terrible chicken allergy. If she ingests even a small amount, she will break out in hives and a rash. We thought she had a thyroid problem but ruled that out. She also suffers from awful yeast infections with her ears which need regular treatment and cleaning. I forgot to add that she also suffers from flea dermititis. One flea and her skin breaks out and can take weeks for me to sort out.

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One of the Min Pins (from a breeder) has a luxating patella. Had it all her life, apart from some hopping every now and then it never seems to bug her, and she's almost 8. :confused: The other Pin had some hip problems a few years back, but that resolved itself with weight loss. She literally eats out of the bin. :(

Both rescue mutts are sound and healthy so far! :p Carl has sensitive skin that sometimes flares up when I use clipper oil on my blades and Jag recently had a yeast infection in his ear, but otherwise they've been far better off than a lot of dogs I know.

Does a foul farting habit from eating kangaroo count as an ailment? :love:

Edited by Hanna Gibbs
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Good to see most of our dogs are reasonably healthy... but it is alarming in particular the number of dogs with skin allergies and food allergies/intolerance :confused:

One of mine has Atopic Dermatitis and is allergic to chicken and intolerant of other foods

One has HD but apart from that is very healthy

One is healthy which makes me very happy :(

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Zero has food allergies and intolerances - wheat, preservatives, colourings and artificial flavourings.

He also has hip dysplacia, but that's from being obese, physically abused and not conditioned properly (plus i suspect partly from malnutrition).

Who knows what he could have been if I'd had him from the time he was a puppy! I would like to think he could be doing flyball and agility. :confused:

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My lab has food allergic and is atopic, so far we have worked out that beef and chicken are triggers, still busy with the diet changes so it may turn out to be more than just those 2 which bother him. On the atopic side pollens, dust mites and storage mites are a problem. Other than that he has nothing else wrong.

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Gary hasn't presented any problems yet, fingers crossed for the future! I do suspect some sort of allergy as he does chew his paws sometimes, but this is intermittent. We'll look into it if it gets any more frequent or he hurts himself.

He is very overweight but is working it off. :confused:

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Lets see, Kate is intolerant to meat protiens, which affects skin and hair growth plus immune system. Food to treat intolerance causes incontinence.

Quin (RIP) three prolapsed disks, intolerance to rimadyl

Duke - lack of socialisation/coping skills/doggy communication syndrome.

Pretty healthy, really.


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Only problem Ive had recently is a mild yeast infection in Stars ears which has responded to medication. My nearly nine year old Dane Abbie has never had a serious complaint..not bad at all for a BYB dog....and no problems with Casper a pound rescue....

Edited by Liebhunde
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One of my girls has a yeast infection on all 4 feet, which is painful. She's been on medicated shampoo, and tablets for it, but because of all the rain it just stays. I dry her feet when she comes inside (towel and dryer), because of this it went away for about a week, but came back. :thumbsup: Poor baby is chewing her feet to bits.

Besides this, there are no problems in the Pointers and crossbred dog. :thumbsup:

ETA: One does get hormone lumps along her boobs 2 weeks before she comes into season. :)

Edited by Pointees
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