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American Bulldog Immune Issues


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Hi, just wondering if anyone knows about American Bulldogs. My BIL has one that for the past 1.5yrs has had skin issues. He gets big blood blisters showing up on the skin, itchy raw patches between the toes. The vet originally thought it was skin allergies but now thinks it's an immune problem. The vet is pumping him full of cortisone (sp??) and antibiotics but nothing seems to be helping. They have spent thousands so far. The vet now wants them to go to a dermatologist but if it's an immune problem how would a skin doctor help? Any ideas would be appreciated :D

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a dermatologist does not just work with skin but with the immune responses as well. An allergy is an immune response as is any redness, itching etc the immune cells make the body release Histamine, a chemical that causes itching, redness, swelling etc.

If your dog is coming up in blisters your vet should have sent you straight to a specialist in the first place, not just keep giving you tablets. Get in there ASAP and meanwhile I would be removing ALL chemicals from the dogs environment including flea treatments, heartworm injections, wash all bedding in warm water and only put natural fibres like cotton washed in just plain hot water near the dog. If he's an inside dog go over all the floors with a plain hot water mop and dont spray anything on the carpets.

Edited by Nekhbet
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I don't think there is any other option but to see a Derm.

I would not reccomend to stop heartworm treatments unless you are advised to do so by the Derm.

Edited by sas
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