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Would be nice if you weren't so unpleasant towards me though.

Again , 'pot kettle' Erny on pretty much everything you have said.

I just can't understand why someone, who professes to be a member (?) of DogsVic, the source of everything you have wanted to know in regard to this topic, won't contact them??????

Obviously you have your reasons ...reasons only known to you. :)

Maybe I am just different to you in that if I want to know something I go straight to the source where I KNOW I will get the answers I want.


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I just can't understand why someone, who professes to be a member (?) of DogsVic, the source of everything you have wanted to know in regard to this topic, won't contact them??????

Obviously you have your reasons ...reasons only known to you. :)

Oh Lord. I told you the reason. It was MIDNIGHT. I needed to get the letters done then so I could get them out today. I was only after an address, for heavens sake.

Speaking of which, I'm off to post them on my way to a job.

This is not directed to Tapferhund ...... What is the deadline date for ANKC to receive objections by, for them to be read and noted in time for their October meeting? It might have been said here, but I've been out for the bigger chunks of days and have potentially missed the post. Or maybe it hasn't been said ???

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One of the things you may find is that all correspondence to the ANKC should go through your state CC. I know in the past that I have had to deal with the ANKC this way.

Yes Janba, that's what I have done....coming from Victoria I directed my letter to DogsVic .

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The AKC and KC (England) are both NOT members of the FCI but have a standing agreement between them. Most countries have multiple registering bodies Australia only has one purebred registry but nothing is stopping someone opening another.

As for only abotu 10 working line Malinois breeders in Australia - are you kidding me. Obviously you know very little if you think there are only 10, I can think of more then that off the top of my head plus more I could research for you. The point is many of them advertise to people who need the dogs not all over the usual pedigree advertising channels. The reason there is not more working line Malinois around is that they are a speciality dog, like many working line or novel working breeds and hence not just for everyone. Breeders managed to keep their dogs out of the pound/rescue system unfortunately they are becoming popular enough to now start rocking up in shelters. There is no recognised Malinois/Belgian body, no that is correct there is only the individual Belgian Shepherd clubs.

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one purebred registry but nothing is stopping someone opening another.

mmm I don't think so. There was serious talk of that happening some years ago..and all hell broke loose (from memory) with threats of deregistering dogs, peds and everything else that goes with it....if those who were pushing for it ....tried.

I am happy enough with the controlling bodies we have.....I just wish they would come into the 21st Century and were a bit more open minded about certain issues and sports.

Also, I don't remember reading an actual figure of only '10' breeders...I thought the comments made by the poster were 'there are not many' ?? ..but I could have missed a few posts.

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..and all hell broke loose (from memory) with threats of deregistering dogs, peds and everything else that goes with it....if those who were pushing for it ....tried.

of course ... the ANKC doesnt want to lose its primary source of income now does it

the quote for tapferhund from yesmaam

The other problem is that unlike other breed clubs the malinois doesn't have a national body like the GSDCA, they only have individual state clubs and operate separately.

Re: WL malinois breeders......at a guess less than 10 in the country (and thats probably being modest). Make some noise, yes but to what effect when there are so few and who in the state malinois clubs would listen...?????

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of course ... the ANKC doesnt want to lose its primary source of income now does it

Probably not and who can blame them..after all they are the recognised dog body for the country and throughout the world.

People also didn't want to be totally deregistered and then find themselves with nothing...out on their bums with the other group..who backed away quicker than you can say knife.

They stirred up a lot of trouble ......then disappeared into the night.

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"As for only abotu 10 working line Malinois breeders in Australia - are you kidding me. Obviously you know very little if you think there are only 10, I can think of more then that off the top of my head plus more I could research for you. "

Well I did say "at a guess"........ Please fill us in.....

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I am happy enough with the controlling bodies we have.....I just wish they would come into the 21st Century and were a bit more open minded about certain issues and sports.

Me too.

The FCI have apparently recognised Mondioring in the last few years. Wouldn't it be fabulous if we could get the AnKC to toe the FCI line and sanction Mondio trials? :rasberry:

I have asked DogsVic & the FCI if the AnKC are members of the FCI, just to get it from the horse's mouth, but no reply so far from either.

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:laugh: Now that makes it more confusing as this is what I saw from the ANKC Pres to the FCI Pres.

"...the problems in observing FCI statutes as an associate member resolve mainly around the requirements to recognise the FCI breed standards and conduct of CACIB shows."


"......Australia's desire to be active in the region albeit not as an associate member of the FCI."

Sooo ...now I have :rasberry: no idea?????

I guess we will have to wait for Starinais's answer from the ANKC.

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just a quick glance about for working Mal breeders



Von Russellhof






Masterkarn (assuming they will continue working lines since the sire is Kasper Airport Hanover)




Von Everest

I know von Forell are involved too (Kraftwerk)

eta Res Non Verba, HondenAus, Izilop, Firebrand, Damchev K9, Mechelhund, and more

can come up with more when I have some more time off to go see whats up with my old car :hug:

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I guess we will have to wait for Starinais's answer from the ANKC.

According to the email I've just received from DogsVictoria "The ANKC is currently considering its position as an Associate member of the FCI."

So, from that I interpret they are currently FCI members, but may not want to be in future?

Apparently the whole matter is going to be discussed at the AnKC meeting in Nov, so I presume we have until then to sent in letter of protest.

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According to the email I've just received from DogsVictoria "The ANKC is currently considering its position as an Associate member of the FCI."

So, from that I interpret they are currently FCI members, but may not want to be in future?

Apparently the whole matter is going to be discussed at the AnKC meeting in Nov, so I presume we have until then to sent in letter of protest.

This is what I received, Star ....

The ANKC is currently an Associate member of the FCI but this is under consideration by the ANKC."

Same as you but clearer, by degrees. What is presently "under consideration" is what I don't know. Are they considering upgrading to FULL Membership, or are they considering dumping their Membership all together?


ETA: Sorry Star. Pretty much wrote what you wrote.

In previous post, you mention the ANKC meeting is in November. Was that a mistake? I thought the meeting was October.

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This is what I received, Star ....
The ANKC is currently an Associate member of the FCI but this is under consideration by the ANKC."

Same as you but clearer, by degrees. What is presently "under consideration" is what I don't know. Are they considering upgrading to FULL Membership, or are they considering dumping their Membership all together?

I have no idea really, but I'd be thinking the second. Since when I wrote, I asked DogsVic if they were FCI members & said that if they were I thought they were contravening FCI regulations, and they came back & just told me they were "considering" their FCI membership.

In previous post, you mention the ANKC meeting is in November. Was that a mistake? I thought the meeting was October.

Yup you're right, I've rechecked my email & it's October. Letters in by October please people! Sorry. :laugh:

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