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Removal Of Titles Gained


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And http://www.rsv2000.de/de/1/Startseite.html?sid=jK6SvBB60jnyA

FCI and VDH members

It can be done if we want it that way. I would support a new Australian registry as I am, becoming very disillusioned with the ANKC and the path it is taking. I would much prefer an organisation that upholds the FCI rules and regs and supports all FCI recognised activities. Who knows, maybe it will happen.... It could squash the ANKC if it became powerful enough........... Imagine that!

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Well perhaps I should have said "OTHER that the USA". :)

I am also NOT talking about organizations (Kennel Clubs or registry's if you prefer) that only register specific types of dogs, such as working sheep dogs for example...or a specific group of dogs , or specific types of sport such as schutzhund etc. I am talking about organizations which are the 'main' organizations for the country...organizations that are responsible for registration of puppies , pedigrees, all breeds dog shows,restricted to breed shows, obedience trials/schutzhund trials(?), Agility plus other dog activities recognised and under the umbrella of the country's chosen KC.

Other than the US .........the greater majority of other countries have one "main" controlling body.

Country Kennel Club

Argentina Federación Cinológica Argentina

Australia Australian National Kennel Council

Austria Österreichischer Kynologenverband

Azerbaijan Kinologičeskii Sojuz Respubliki Azerbaidžan

Bahrain Kennel Club of Bahrain

Barbados Barbados Kennel Club Independent

Belgium Société Royale Saint-Hubert

Belarus Belorussian Cynological Union

Bermuda The Bermuda Kennel Club

Bolivia Kennel Club Boliviano

Bosnia and Herzegovina Unija kinoloških saveza Bosne i Hercegovine

Brazil Confederaçao Brasileira de Cinofilia

Bulgaria Bulgarian Republican Federation of Cynology

Canada Canadian Kennel Club

Chile Kennel Club de Chile

China China Kennel Union

Colombia Asociación Club Canino Colombiano

Costa Rica Asociación Canófila Costarricense

Croatia Hrvatski Kinološki Savez

Cuba Federación Cinólogica de Cuba

Cyprus Cyprus Kennel Club

Czech Republic Českomoravská Kynologická Unie

Denmark Dansk Kennel Club

Dominican Republic Federación Canina Dominicana

Ecuador Asociación Ecuatoriana de Registros Caninos

El Salvador Asociación Canófila Salvadoreña

Estonia Eesti Kennelliit

Fiji Fiji Kennel Club

Finland Suomen Kennelliitto

France Société Centrale Canine

Georgia Fédération Cynologique de Géorgie

Germany Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen

Gibraltar Gibraltar Kennel Club

Greece Kennel Club of Greece

Guatemala Asociación Guatemalteca de Criadores de Perros

Guernsey Guernsey Kennel Club

Honduras Asociación Canófila de Honduras

Hong Kong Hong Kong Kennel Club

Hungary Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete

Iceland Hundaræktarfélags Íslands

India Kennel Club of India

Indonesia Persatuan Kinologi Indonesia

Ireland Irish Kennel Club

Israel Israel Kennel Club

Italy Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana

Jamaica The Jamaican Kennel Club

Japan Japan Kennel Club

Jersey Kennel Club of Jersey

Kazakhstan Kazakstan Kennel Club

Latvia Latvijas Kinologiska Federacija

Lithuania Lietuvos Kinologu Draugija

Luxembourg Union Cynologique Saint Hubert Luxembourg

Macedonia Kinološki sojuz na Makedonija

Madagascar Societe Canine de Madagascar

Malaysia Malaysian Kennel Association

Malta Malta Kennel Club

Mexico Federacíon Canófila Mexicana

Moldova Uniunea Chinologica din Moldava

Monaco Société Canine de Monaco

Montenegro Kinološki savez Crne Gore

Morocco Société Centrale Canine Marocaine

Nepal Nepal Kennel Club

Netherlands Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland

New Zealand New Zealand Kennel Club

Nicaragua Asociación Canina Nicaragüense

Norway Norsk Kennel Club

Pakistan Kennel Club of Pakistan

Panama Club Canino de Panama

Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Kennel

Paraguay Paraguay Kennel Club

Peru Kennel Club Peruano

Philippines Philippine Canine Club

Poland Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce

Portugal Clube Português de Canicultura

Puerto Rico Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico

Romania Asociaţia Chinologică Română

Russia Russian Kynological Federation

San Marino Kennel Club San Marino

Scotland Scottish Kennel Club

Serbia Kinološki Savez Srbije

Singapore Singapore Kennel Club

Slovakia Slovenska Kynologicka Jednota

Slovenia Kinološka Zveza Slovenije

South Africa Kennel Union of Southern Africa

South Korea Korean Canine Club

Spain Real Sociedad Canina en España

Sri Lanka Kennel Association of Sri Lanka

Sweden Svenska Kennelklubben

Switzerland Société Cynologique Suisse

Taiwan Kennel Club of Taiwan

Thailand Kennel Club of Thailand

Trinidad and Tobago The Caribbean Kennel Club

United Kingdom The Kennel Club

United States of America American Kennel Club

United States of America Continental Kennel Club

United States of America Dog Registry of America

United States of America National Kennel Club

United States of America States Kennel Club

United States of America United Kennel Club

United States of America Universal Kennel Club

United States of America Worldwide Kennel Club

Ukraine Ukrainian Kennel Union

Uruguay Kennel Club Uruguayo

Uzbekistan Cynological Federation of Uzbekistan

Venezuela Federación Canina de Venezuela

Zambia Kennel Association of Zambia

Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Kennel Club

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And http://www.rsv2000.de/de/1/Startseite.html?sid=jK6SvBB60jnyA

FCI and VDH members

It can be done if we want it that way. I would support a new Australian registry as I am, becoming very disillusioned with the ANKC and the path it is taking. I would much prefer an organisation that upholds the FCI rules and regs and supports all FCI recognised activities. Who knows, maybe it will happen.... It could squash the ANKC if it became powerful enough........... Imagine that!

It won't happen in our life time but we can always dream ! :)

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........and the ONLY organization in Australia is the ANKC. No different to any other country as each country has , as far as I am aware, ONLY one Canine Control governing over all in their particular country.

This is incorrect.

:) A man of FEW words.

Well Aiden........enlighten us all !

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........and the ONLY organization in Australia is the ANKC. No different to any other country as each country has , as far as I am aware, ONLY one Canine Control governing over all in their particular country.

This is incorrect.

:) A man of FEW words.

Well Aiden........enlighten us all !

You already did.

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From: Australian National Kennel Council [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 26 August 2010 8:52 AM

To: DOGS NSW; DOGS NT; 'DOGS QLD - Gary Paul'; DOGS QLD - Rob Harrison; DOGS SA; Elizabeth White; Jo Cerda; DOGS WEST; [email protected]; TCA

Cc: 'Hugh'

Subject: FW: National Database - Titles on Imported Dogs and their Pedigrees

My highlights.

Who is the "Hugh" that the ANKC "CC'd" their emails to?

Please tell me it is not Hugh Wirth.


It wouldn't be.


Would it?

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From: Australian National Kennel Council [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 26 August 2010 8:52 AM

To: DOGS NSW; DOGS NT; 'DOGS QLD - Gary Paul'; DOGS QLD - Rob Harrison; DOGS SA; Elizabeth White; Jo Cerda; DOGS WEST; [email protected]; TCA

Cc: 'Hugh'

Subject: FW: National Database - Titles on Imported Dogs and their Pedigrees

My highlights.

Who is the "Hugh" that the ANKC "CC'd" their emails to?

Please tell me it is not Hugh Wirth.


It wouldn't be.


Would it?


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Look I am not trying to sound offensive or be offensive here but ....REALLY.......are you for real? :laugh:

I thought you were a member of Dogs Vic Erny? Well if you are you should know WHO is who and what is what in regard to the organization and the ANKC.

Obviously it is not that important to you or you would know...../ hence why all your continuous questions in relation to these matters .

Hugh is NOT Hugh Wirthless but High Gent.....the President of the ANKC. Either Google the ANKC's address that you want or ring DogsVic and ask for the addresses you want.

Either that........or drive up to the offices which are less than two minutes drive from that boarding kennel you work for...and ask them.

Really ! Ignorance is no excuse!

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Look I am not trying to sound offensive or be offensive here

But as is often the case, you do and are :).

I already googled the ANKC address it is not available from its website. I flipped through a couple of the VicDog magazine editions to see if it might be listed there. Couldn't find it (glancing through). But I did just glean it from the FCI website. I hope it is a current one.

If I had so much time as to be making trips (regardless of proximity to All Breeds Boarding Kennels where I train - not that I am ONLY at that venue :laugh: ) during the day, I wouldn't need to be up at midnight trying to get these things done.

Get over yourself, Tapferhund. So big deal that I don't know or remember names at DogsVic.

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Its not me that has to get over myself or off myself Erny. (pot-kettle) :laugh:

You know very well that what is written can come across as offensive when it isn't if faced by the person in conversation.

I am just shocked that you try to come across as knowing everything when in actual fact you don't. If you are a member of an organization you at least try to learn and know about the organization that you are a member of.

as for your time.......do you take a luncheon break? use a few minutes of your free time to visit the VCA offices. The grounds are lovely and there is a hot water machine for coffee with seats there too right next to the offices.......so you could eat your lunch , enjoy the view AND have time to visit the offices for the info you require.

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as for your time.......do you take a luncheon break? use a few minutes of your free time to visit the VCA offices. The grounds are lovely and there is a hot water machine for coffee with seats there too right next to the offices.......so you could eat your lunch , enjoy the view AND have time to visit the offices for the info you require.

:laugh: at the above.

You write offensively Tapferhund.

It is as simple as that. And you direct your offensiveness towards me most of the time.

In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't even respond to any of my general posts. Would be nicer for me. But hey. It's a free Country. I can't stop you doing what you want to do or how you want to address people (me inclusive). I guess it floats your boat. Whatever.

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In other words you have no intention. Its far easier for youto try and find out info on a forum.

I'm done with this topic......too many would be's if they could be's who are only interested in stirring trouble, feigning innocence and don't want to learn anything.

I write it like it is. Unlike some I don't try and BS people with a smile on my face while placing daggers in their back.

With me what you see is what you get Erny and you can't handle that or that I don't hang off every word you say like your little band of followers.

The fact is you never had an interest in this topic....you came in to stir the pot because GSD folk including me where on it posting......and you want us off permanently. Whatever happens happens on that score...........it won't bother me a bit.

End of discussion.

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In other words you have no intention. Its far easier for youto try and find out info on a forum.

And my crime is??????

:) .... You're spending quite a bit of time het up about the fact that I have not driven down to KCC Park to ask them for the ANKC address but have instead asked if anyone here knows it.

I suspect you do, Tapferhund. But I don't expect you would share it to help out. That doesn't seem to be your style.

But as I've already told you, I've gleaned the address from the listing on the FCI Website.

I think it is time for your nanny nap now :laugh:.


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I know what your up to Erny, you are so predictable . If i get kicked off then your little scheming ways have worked so give yourself a big pat on the back......but don't forget to drop the knives first...we couldn't have an injury now could we.

I help those who are genuine...not those , such as yourself, who have hidden agendas.


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The fact is you never had an interest in this topic....you came in to stir the pot because GSD folk including me where on it posting......and you want us off permanently. Whatever happens happens on that score...........it won't bother me a bit.


Now THAT really makes me laugh, Tapferhund.

Oh - and btw. Have a look Tapferhund. I posted in this thread before you. Don't flatter yourself to think that I only post because I have any interest in you.

End of discussion.

So what happened?

I know what your up to Erny, you are so predictable . If i get kicked off then your little scheming ways have worked so give yourself a big pat on the back......but don't forget to drop the knives first...we couldn't have an injury now could we. I help those who are genuine...not those , such as yourself, who have hidden agendas.

:D ..... Tapferhund. :D I am a bit gobsmacked by what you've written. Not what I think at all - I don't really care whether you are "kicked off" ("kicked off" what .... DOL? I don't know what you're talking about - you're not making any sense :laugh: ..... at least, not to me - perhaps others will recognise it.). You're not that much of a worry to me. But you are sounding paranoid. Is this why you dog (pun unintended) my posts? And now you're talking about knives??? And "hidden agendas"? I've always been open about my 'agendas', so again, I don't know what planet you stepped out on. I really am guffawed by your astounding revelations here, Tapferhund. Relax. I don't care where you are nor whether you stay or not. Would be nice if you weren't so unpleasant towards me though.

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Why on earth shouldn't Erny ask about where to address her letter on the forum, or ask who the members of AnKC are? She's not a working dog person - she's doing us a favour by writing to the AnKC.

If this is how non-working dog people who offer to write letters to the AnKC are treated, I won't be surprised if we end up with very few non-working dog supporters. And the fewer supporters we have making noise to the AnKC, the more likely the AnKC will steamroller this decision through, since they will be right in thinking the majority of their members don't give a toss about it.

Why on earth would Erny have a "hidden agenda"?

I'm lost.

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C'mon guys, we need to stay focussed to the task and we need to work together on this ok. Lets not take things out of context as it is so easy to do with email etc...and lets not antagonise each other..... Leave that for other posts lol...........

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