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Taking Water Away At Night Time

Nahla + Teddy's Mum

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Hi Everyone,

Just wondering what people's view on taking water away for puppies after say 8pm at night? I've read so many things but wanted to get opinion's from people who have done it or tried and it didnt work? Our pups are 16 and 21 weeks old and are still waking for 1-2 wee break's in the night. They currently have water until bedtime which is usually around 9:30pm.

Also 1 of them will wake us up if they need to go should we be waking them at certain times? We havent had a full nights sleep in month's and we realy realy need to get this sorted out!! Any advice would be great! Thanks :-)

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No you shouldn't be waking them at certain times, that just encourages them not to sleep through the night. Our guys normally have their last drink at 7-7.30 generally after dinner, then they don't tend to drink until the next morning. We did take the water away when Bundy was younger though.

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I have tried it and wouldn't really recommend it.

Though these days my puppy doesn't really drink after 8pm anyway unless we have been to puppy training or obedience class (which is later at night) or for a walk later at night. Even then she is perfectly fine to hold on until morning.

She sleeps through the night till 6.30am so isn't really drinking then. However, i think the option of having it there is neccesary because depriving them of water may lead to urinary tract infection.

Maybe keep them quiet from around 8pm so they don't really need to have a big drink before bed.

I think it is more important to get them settled at night. At 16 and 21 weeks, they should be sleeping for longer periods during the night.

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I don't take water away but in saying that my puppy is crated overnight so she only has access to water when she wakes up and goes out for a piddle. She is 9 1/2 weeks old and she slept from 11pm till 6.30am last night.

Same with mine, she made too much of a mess and would saturate everything :laugh:

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When she was first at home as a little thing I took her water away. It worked well for us as she was holding most nights by 10 weeks. I still do now, but not until she actually goes to bed. Then she doesn't get water again until she wakes up in the morning. She generally holds for the night, occasionally she has me up for a toilet break, but usually only if she didn't go before going to bed of if she ate too close to going to bed. Sometimes she does it because she wants t get up and play and have me chase her around the back yard. :laugh:

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Thanks for all your reply's!! Last night I monitored their drinking and noticed that they didnt have any water after about 8pm and they slept until 5am! Which for us was awesome!! We went for a big walk at 6pm so they gulped when they got home and that may have been enough I guess! Once they are asleep they are so good...we ahve never had a problem with crying and whinging, they do sleep seperatly because Nahla likes her space and Teddy just stretches out so much! They are together all day so some time out from each other does them good we think! Thanks for all ur advise i'll keep watching theri water and toilet breaks and hopefully have a full nights sleep soon!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update - we were doing so well with only 1 wee break :laugh: then last night there was 4!!! :laugh: They went outside at 9pm then woke at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30 and again at 4pm then when we got up at 6am!! God knows how they managed to wee after not having any water after bedtime at 9pm! They both did a wee everytime too so its not just 1 of them! Not sure where it all came from! Going to the vet with our boy this arvo for his last vaccination so i'll ask her what she would recommed to do and if there may be a problem :laugh: We are so tired today! At the moment they sleep seperalty in pens on either side of our bed, should we maybe try to sleep them together and see if this helps? Maybe they are after company at night too? :laugh:

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Oh you poor things, you must be exhausted! Mine don't have water in their crates during the night but when Charlie was a pup we'd pass the water bowl when going out for a piddle in the night and he never wanted a drink. If both are going out to the toilet when one wakes up, then yes perhaps they are seeing toilet breaks as an excuse to have a little get together in the small hours. Maybe you could try letting them sleep together. Good luck. :(

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I always put my puppies in a pen in the spare room with paper down until they are at least 4-5mths. It has never affected house training and saves getting up at night all the time. also it has been very handy over the years to have them paper trained.

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We are exhausted! We dont have water in their pens just their bed and newspaper. We have tried sleeping them together and it didnt work well! They just snapped at each other then started playing in the middle of the night! The weird thing is that they dont have water during the night but everytime we get up to let them out they both do a wee, sometimes a poo and then race back inside to go back to bed! Its almost like they dont realy want to get up because we have no trouble getting them back into bed and asleep again! Its so frustrating. Were scared that if we put them into another room they will just cry to be let out as they know not to go in their pens now so we dont want to take a step backwards in their toliet training! Arghhhhhh

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