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Models Wanted For Dog Showing Uni Assignment :)


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Hey guys!

I've got my next uni assignment in photography, and that is to create a magazine cover and two page spread complete with design and photographs. The magazine is to be of whatever it is we like, and I've decided to make it a Junior handlers magazine, centred on 'Dog show youth culture'. :)

My idea is for it to sort of be the Dolly or Girlfriend equivalent for showing enthusiasts, and am aiming it at a 13-17 year old audience.

Thing is, I'm going to be needing some models and their canine friends to feature in my assignment, so I am once again calling upon DOL!

Who I am looking for:

Cover girl or boy junior handler (between 13-17 years old) to be on the 'front cover' with their dog (any breed).

A show dog (separate to the one above) of any breed to pose with a model friend of mine. They will make up the two page spread inside.

A chair and refreshments will be provided for the endearing parents and/or owners while the shoot is in progress. :)

For the first models (child and dog) I would like to be at an outside location such as a park of some sort. I would be more than happy to sort out an appropriate place to meet wherever is the most convenient. I am happy to travel up to an hour or so from home (I live in Bendigo).

For the second model, I will need them to be brought, if possible, to the studios I use at my University, which is in Flora Hill in Bendigo.

As a thankyou for the models I will provide them with a signed print of their favourite photo from the shoot.

If anybody is at all interested, please let me know. Have just been informed the assignment is due in two weeks :laugh: so I need to get a wriggle on!

Examples of my photography:




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