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Reminds me of the time Mo dragged in half a dead Blue Tongue....full of maggots....and finished it off on the loungeroom rug......nice.

Good luck Nekhbet, hope you can get it out ok!

Oh and I'd take your Rottie ;)

At least Mo finished the damn thing.

Ted "buried" his treasure - a maggoty dead rat - under my lounge cushions. :)

And we won't talk about the beheaded pee wee that was left under my bed. :thumbsup:

Hope the blood comes out Nehkie - at least with a rug you can get under it. Better than carpet!


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any time during the day is good, early morning is better. know anywhere? as long as there are proper warrens on clear land, I wont do junk piles or scrub mess. And no pindone in the area for at least 6 months

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