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Rspca Political Animal Campaign


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Interesting. Have people seen this? http://www.politicalanimal.org.au/

From the website:

Puppy Factories

Every year hundreds of dogs are churned out of puppy factories that show little regard for their health and welfare or pet over-population.

The breeding dogs generally spend most of their lives in pens with very little social interaction or exercise. Puppy farmers will sell to anyone, wholesale and retail, and by any means, on-line, through pet shops, via newspapers and car boot sales or by using a false house as a ‘shop front'. Some puppy factories actually operate the pet shops in addition to their breeding facility, where they then sell their puppies to the unsuspecting public.

Puppies born in puppy factories often have long-term health and behavioural problems as a result of poor housing conditions, poor maternal nutrition and a lack of adequate socialisation during the crucial first few weeks of life. Other problems associated with puppy factories include over-breeding, in-breeding, minimal veterinary care and high mortality rates for puppies.

RSPCA inspectors have seized dogs from puppy factories where hundreds of breeding females have been kept in cages in appalling conditions. Both crossbreeds and purebreds can be mass-produced on puppy factories (although the purebreds are unlikely to be registered as pedigree dogs).

Puppy factories are legally permitted to operate under local council permits despite serious animal welfare concerns. Legislation only dictates the most basic of animal welfare standards, which are not acceptable to the community or to the RSPCA.


How you can help

  • Ask your prospective representatives how they would address these animal welfare issues. Find your local MP or candidate here.
  • Never buy a puppy unless you can visit its parents and the place where it was born. Follow the RSPCA Smart Puppy Buyer's Guide.
  • Report puppy factories to your local council or RSPCA
  • Pledge your support for our Close Puppy Factories campaign
  • Contact your local council asking them to stop puppy factories from operating in your area


What we want

The laws governing puppy factories are a mess and need to be completely overhauled. Every level of government has a responsibility to fix this problem and has the power to make it harder for puppy factories to operate.

Federal Government

  • Tighten export provisions for the sale of puppies overseas – this is a small but lucrative market for puppy farmers.
  • Ask the Australian Taxation Office to investigate known individuals involved in puppy farming – our information indicates that puppy farmers favour cash transactions and may not declare their full income.
  • Work with State/Territory Governments to reform and harmonise animal welfare and consumer protection legislation and processes.
  • Work with State/Territory Governments to develop national standards for the breeding and selling of companion animals.

State Governments

  • Require all breeders to obtain a state government licence to breed dogs.
  • Make licencing conditional on compliance with a Code of Practice outlining enforceable standards.
  • Strengthen Codes of Practice to better protect the health and welfare of animals in these establishments.
  • Introduce a compulsory registration and licensing system for all outlets selling companion animals.
  • Legislation should incorporate mandatory minimum standards for pet shops with specific requirements in relation to stopping puppy farming.
  • Legislation should be amended to prevent puppy farmers from continuing their business while any legal proceedings against them are underway.
  • Increase RSPCA's authority to enforce Codes of Practice.
  • Make it compulsory for all pet shops and other retail outlets to desex animals prior to sale to bring into line legislation that exists for animal welfare shelters.

Local Councils

  • Should not be providing permits for puppy factories to operate on private land without appropriate licences and enforcing adherence to standards.
  • For breeding establishments that are in operation, local councils should implement a strict enforcement and inspection regime with instant revocation of permits where welfare standards are deemed unacceptable.

Edited by lappiemum
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Local Councils

•Should not be providing permits for puppy factories to operate on private land without appropriate licences and enforcing adherence to standards.

•For breeding establishments that are in operation, local councils should implement a strict enforcement and inspection regime with instant revocation of permits where welfare standards are deemed unacceptable.

:) sorry to hijack your thread but i am soooooooooo mad seeing this from RSPCA, that clause right there from them has serious failings it is a heap of bullcrap because i still have an open dialogue with a councillor in wellington shire, they keep on debating with me and they just told me in the last email that they can't revoke permits given to these farms :laugh: they also told me that if it goes to VCAT and they dont have a valid reason to shut them down then the farmer will appeal and most likely win. she has personally viewed the farm and the puppies are happy the mothers are exercised daily out in the fresh air. and they are not in isolation at all. they said that they can't do anything until they get complaints from actual residents and they have never got any complaints, another bullcrap story because our family have been complaining for years and i know alot of other people who have complained to the shire about these puppy farms too! they told me again for the 4th time that they monitor these farms under such and such bullcrap clause that they are probably pulling out from their a.........somewhere then they had the audacity to tell me that they have rejected a farm that was going to add to their already 14 they have in the area. i seriously doubt it. :) i don't trust what bullcrap she is telling me. meanwhile the ranger who doubles up as a service officer/traffic officer sent me an email to say they monitor but he went to the RSPCA forums as a guest speaker and told everyone that they don't check any farm and haven't done so for 5 years. he was caught out by a person who had all the blank audit reports.

meanwhile for years this puppy farm that we are debating about (produces 1500 pups a year) has openly displayed animals in large dirt pens some with sand in them to the public on their open days, which is a clear violation of the code of practice, they are supposed to be on concrete, i know of alot of pedigree breeders that are made to jump through hoops to house their few dogs yet these large breeders get away with murder. you tube clearly features their dirt paddock pens kept like cattle. they also openly admit to breeding dogs "back to back" every season and on camera you hear the owner saying he kills the mothers after he finishes with them "there is no point in beating around the bush" - for years he denied it now he is claiming it is true.

so if the councils don't want to admit there is negligence there isn't a hope in hell of going to them to stop anything so the councils blame government as its not illegal to have a puppy farm they say, the government blame councils meanwhile the farms still operate. so who do you go to??? none of them are interested hand balling to one another.

its very frustrating debating with wood heads sitting pretty in councils who have no idea and that protect at all costs these dog farmers claiming that the dogs are very well looked after when people have photos and seen it all with their own eyes. then this councillor has the gaul to run down pedigree breeders on the basis of that stupid pedigree dogs exposed from the UK. so i said that has nothing to do with aussie dogs. she is still going on about cows and sheep and pigs and chooks and how hard they are done by why should dogs get special priveleges. :) its obvious why!!! I give up.

i am so mad that there is ignorant gits in councils that are in charge of approving or disapproving permits but claim their hands are tied. so who is telling the truth here, i am pretty sure they don't have to approve every application that comes through their doors and they can revoke permits of the farms they already have in the region.


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