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Stopping Jumping


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My puppy has finally discovered what jumping is, and found it is quite to her liking.

She only does this in times of excitement, so i'm pretty sure its not really for attention, but more just out of happiness. For this reason, ignoring her, does not seem to have the desired effect.

She may only do it to one person every now and then, but still, this is obviously unacceptable. Her puppy school teacher suggested ignoring her. However, she mainly does this to strangers when she is off lead at the park or at work having some playtime. So it is really hard to know when she is going to do it.

Also, there is another dog at the park that is a really bad jumper, a full grown lab which weighs 35kg so it is impossible to ignore when she jumps on you! I want to stop this behaviour before mindy is too heavy to ignore!

I am thinking at the moment that keeping her onlead would be the quickest solution, however, i do want her to get some off leash time as she is expected to sit quietly for a long time during the day at work with me.

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try keeping her on lead and re teach her how to interact with humans. reward for behaviour you want to see i.e: not jumping, sitting when meeting people or whatever it is you want to see her do

Other than ignoring her what else have you tried, i.e: told her NO or Ugh etc?

edited for bad spelling!

Edited by missmoo
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Thanks, will put her on lead when people approach. She usually is well behaved and sits nicely when people approach, however it is just if she is playing or doing zoomies that this will happen. I think it requires some extra effort and vilgilance on my part, i've probably been slacking a bit :cheer:

I have tried saying no, but in her state of hyper-excitement, it doesn't really seem to get through.

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If you re train her on lead and really cement the learning you should see a difference.

She may be jumping because she is excited, but because there is no real consequence for the unacceptable behaviour (jumping) she will continue unless you show her what you want and don't want.

Be consistent with her training so she does not get confused.

good luck


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hi there,

does your dog jump on you at home when you get up in the morning or when your come home from work and enter the doorway and do you pat and cuddle her when she does this ?

if this is the case you are influencing her to understand jumping means cuddles one way you can correct the behaviour is when you do wake up or come home in the mornings

no look, no touch, no speak.... ignore her completely if your on the lounge and she jumps at you, use you fingers and give her a firm touch at her neck and say shh and push her off you

when she is calm she gets patted and cuddled in a clam way she must perform the calm required behaviour to get attention.

as for your park situation a bit more difficult, the park, beach, river etc should be the treat for your dogs after a walk.

saying this the behaviour will be alot different when she is tired, a lot of people take there dog to the park for off lead time to give them a run but intitially is cos we are a bit lazy, give her a good walk 30-45 minutes before you let her go off lead and she is only let offlead when she is calm... letting her off when she is excited reinforces the unwanted behaviour,

but you will initially see,when people come over same rules apply (NO look, NO touch, No speak) until the they see she is calm then they can pat your dog if she is jumping up at them tell you can tell them the touch and shh exercise to discorage the unwanted behaviour consistancy and exercise will be your best friend for a couple of week

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Hi Catherine, thanks for your reply.

She is fine at home, she doesn't jump on guests or anything either.

I am unable to exercise her too much due to her being a large breed puppy only 17 weeks old, so I think to walk her for 30-45 mins and then let her run around would not be a good idea.

She receives around usually 2-3 leash walks per day only for 10- 15 minutes and then she is allowed off leash time at the park twice a day as well for around 20 minutes.

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