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So Sorry.


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What a tragic incident; That is why it pays to have eyes at the back of one's head, never ever take anything for granted! Animals are just like children, you can never be too careful. Just curious as to how old your son is?


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I can only imagine how you must be feeling and your son.... I am soooo sorry that this is happend. You poor darlings :dancingelephant: . You clearly love all your dogs and that puppy too.

Accidents happen. A friend of mine broke her own finger while sitting on her own chair on friday night; she did it all on her own. I couldn't believe it. She broke it in such a way that she needed special surgery. No one is free from accidents.

Big hug.

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:dancingelephant: Sorry for you and your son :dancingelephant: more than the new owners

l hope they understand that it was a accident and you and your family reared and luved that puppy.

Yes its always hard to try and explain,but hopefully they understand.


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RIP Vader :dancingelephant:

Accidents can happen way too quickly

Condolenses to all involved

:dancingelephant: Sorry for you and your son :dancingelephant:more than the new owners

Why are you less sorry for the new owners who have been eagerly awaiting their new arrival for the last 8 weeks... not including any time they most likely spent on a waiting list? Given the pups owner-to-be is also a DOLer can you imagine how she would feel reading your statement?

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I'm so sorry to hear Steve. I am sure you and your family are devastated.

A friend of mine a couple of years ago drove over her own maltese when she pulled into her driveway. Rural property, and just did not expect to see the dog there. All happened in the blink of an eye.

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As my name suggests yes I am his mum, I am sad but yes accidents happen as I have said to you Julie I feel terrible for you and your family!

Thanks for all the condolances

:thumbsup: Sorry for you and your son :) more than the new owners

l hope they understand that it was a accident and you and your family reared and luved that puppy.

Yes its always hard to try and explain,but hopefully they understand.


I agree mirawee thats really not ok! while he wasnt at our home yet he was still my baby boy! shame mortonplace.

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Such a sad turn of events, especially for the new owner. I too, have waited for a puppy to arrive......waited for her to be born, waited for photos, waited to choose which puppy, named her, watched her grow via photos, talked about her constantly.......and I can't imagine how devestated I'd be if the same thing had happened to her.

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hope your son gets through this ok

it must be a dreadful thing for a 13yrold who fully understands

poor boy

poor darling puppy and the new family who has been waiting for their precious bundle...sucha shock for them when a thing like this happens...rarely thank goodness

sad sad for everyone all round

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Oh my goodness how awful for all of you.

I know your pain. Some years past I ran over my old cat in the driveway, she was 18, blind and deaf - she didn't hear or see the car and I didn't see her. I was totally devastated but accidents happen.

I hope you son is OK.

RIP little puppy :laugh:

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