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Comfy Nest, Thanks To A Baaaadd Dog!


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Harrison & Dylan have a covered foam pad out on the porch, in case they get exhausted from their play & need a snooze :) The other day I took the cover off to wash it & foolishly left the foam pad outside. The next day, OH observed Harrison tossing something around & discovered that H had ripped up the foam - pieces are scattered all over the yard!

I haven't got around to picking it up yet (slack, I know) and was looking out the door earlier to see an enterprising magpie gathering up shreds of the foam - we have a pair building a nest nearby. Looks like some magpie chicks will be greeting the world in a very luxuriously-appointed nest!

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Yep, wolfhound hair lined nests all around here !!

the maggies used to grab it if I pulled the hair out of the brush and left it while I swapped dogs around, now I just leave it on a fence post for them !!!

and poodlemum........mattresslets.......know all about them here !!! ours now have the steel framed beds with sacks, and fresh straw, I used to be constantly at the op shop for replacement foamies !!!


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Penny, Mac and Daisy have those sheepskin pillowcases (picked up for $2 each at garage sales!) that go on their beds at night.

In the morning I hang them (the sheepskins, not the dogs :cheer: ) over the back landing rail to air out in the sun....well two maggies wait for me and as soon as the sheepskins are out they land on them and spend the morning picking out the wool.

The cases look like badly shorn sheep now! at least the maggie-bubs will be cosy.

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Our maggies are probably getting some odds & ends of Poodle wool, as well, so their chicks will have a beautiful wool & foam-lined nest!

When I lived at Yarrambat (north of Melbourne) there was a semi--tame Magpie who used to hang around. He (I always referred to it as he, although I have no idea what sex it was) started cadging food when he was very young & used to come back every year, later bringing his kids, as well :dancingelephant: . At one stage he was tame enough that he would sit on my arm & take food out of my hand. He wasn't the least bit scared of the dogs, or even my cat! He liked bread but his all-time favourite was Eco-Pet dogroll.

Edited by poodlemum
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