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Lesley and I will be in Canberra on the 17th of August for a couple of days to attend the roundtable meeting with the RSPCA for the MDBA.

While we are there it would be good to meet up with anyone who might be even a little bit interested in being involved with MDBA Pacers.

In case you are not aware as yet we are in the process of helping people to set up and be involved in their own clubs under the MDBA Pacers banner as chartered clubs.

[sort of similar structure to Rotary or apex etc] This will mean we can help people more effficiently and effectively when they strike natural or personal disasters. It also means we can keep the fundraising from the local communities within those communities. The vision is to have an MDBA Pacers club close to you to help out with you and your animals no matter where you live or what happens.

So please if you have even a glimmer of an interest in being involved or if you just want to come and say good aye in person please put your hand up now.

Edited by Steve
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  SkySoaringMagpie said:
Steve I'd like to meet you - 17th is a work day tho' so that makes it hard. Where in Canberra are you going to be? Civic?

We are tied up all day with the RSPCA thing but that finishes at 4pm and we arent leaving until the following day so we have that evening to meet up.

We are staying at

Forrest Hotel & Apartments

30 National Circuit

Forrest ACT 2603

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  CleoJ said:
I'd love to come along but I don't know that I have the time to commit heavily to this however great the cause is!

There will be lots of things you can get involved in a little or a lot. There is no pressure on anyone to commit more than they are happy with.

Just the fact that you are interested in supporting it is great.


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I am interested also, I am happy to meet anywhere in canberra after 4pm as that is when I finish work in Qbyn

Can't help much with suggestions on where to catch ip as I do not get out that often, but happy to travel to where ever.



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If you're in Forrest, Manuka and Kingston are just down the road, which should pretty much give you a choice of any type of cuisine or place you like.

Something casual, Japanese, Spanish, cafe, pub???? I can recommend a few faves, but it helps if we have a starting point...

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Whoops, I offered suggestions then didn't come back to give them...

I reckon somewhere in Kingston or Manuka would be good, they are both just down the road for you Julie.

Cleo, what would you suggest? If we want something reasonably priced and yummy but not fancy I like La Cappana in Kingston, or there's a Thai place on the same street that I can't remember the name of... There's Spanish in Manuka isn't there?

And if we go for a drink at a pub instead of a restaurant, Kingston has Filthy's (not as bad as it sounds!!) or the Durham (for a more old school pub) or the Holy Grail (for more of a bar feel, and ok food as well).

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