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Regarding Jaxx’sbuddy.

I just wanted to say about a year ago I received a phone call from Jaxx’sbuddy who gave me some basic advice on strategic planning and how we could implement some things with MDBA Pacers and this had a powerful impact on how we have moved forward.

So Jaxx’sbuddy I’m quite sure you would have no idea of the impact you had on me and how that made a difference to the way MDBA Pacers has grown and developed.

Because of that conversation we have literally been able to move mountains I never even had an idea existed.We have been able to help a lot of people and their animals and we have set the scene for us to one day have thousands of MDBA Pacers clubs throughout Australia.

You asked me that day where I wanted it to go and what our goal was and my answer was I wanted MDBA Pacers to be the animal welfare charity of choice and now I can see it really is achievable and I wanted to say thank you.

Thank You


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thank you for that Julie, you are more than welcome.

i found our discussion extremely interesting and i have a great deal of admiration for what MDBA Pacers do.

we have all seen some of what has been done and i am really sure more has happened behind the scenes.

thanks to all in Pacers who make this happen

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