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Weaning Question ?


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I havent had a litter for a long time, till now, so Im feeling quite rusty :laugh: .

I have nearly 6 week old pups here, who I am in the process of weaning... Mum has had enough, and I think she is feeding them periodically, because its just easier than constantly running away from the little blighters :o . I want them to continue to be in the house together, but Im just not sure how to stop them from 'attacking' her boobs, everytime she moves, the poor darling ??? I think she is a little too nice to them, as she isnt telling them off... They are being fed 4 times a day, and are happily drinking water.

Anyone got some idea's to help stop them feeding, or do I just have to wait till she really has had enough ???

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She'll gruff at them if she is really fed up :laugh: Just reduce her food to a maintenance ration & increase theirs ... I have fouond often pups will still latch on, only for a second or two, as a comfort thing - even if there's no milk :o

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Do you have a baby gate or similar so that you can get mum away for a couple of hours on her own. We are lucky that we were able to separate them into separate parts of the house and now into two separate parts of the yard. They can still see each other but and interact a little but no contact.

having said that, I want the pups to have more adult socialisation and we have thier grandmother here also. She is very maternal and so I thougth I would let her mother the pups for a little while tonight - she should play with them etc. Out she went adn they attacked her -trying to latch on - and she was gruff with them but it got dark adn I didnt leave them together. However tomorrow I will do so again and let her tell them off - that's a good learning curve for them.

Your bitch will eventually :laugh: and put them in thier place.

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Thanks for the replies guys...

Mmmm, reducing her food is a good idea too. She still has a lot of milk, and I think I am still feeding her as though she is still pregnant/feeding. So down to her normal diet :laugh: ... Not sure she will think this is a good idea though !!!

The happy family is running around the loungeroom, so she is able to get up on the couch to get away from them... I do really want her to keep interacting with them, teaching them manners etc, etc... Would you believe just after I posted this, the pups woke up, went to Mum for a drink, and she grumbled at them, 3 in a row. So 3 dejected little cuties wandered off, most bewildered looking :o !!!

Im going to get her back into her normal routine as well, and she will be sleeping away from the pups, from tonight :p . Im sure she will think this is a good idea, Im sure the pups wont ;) ...

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Also I've seen "weaning jackets" where the boobs are covered over so mum can play with the pups and they can't get at her teats.

I've seen directions on how to make your own using two child/baby T-Shirts. One put on "normally" the other on backwards with a hole for the tail and toileting cut out and the two tied together.

Interesting concept.

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