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Dog Toys For Bloodhound And Kelpie


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Hi all

We are getting fake turf laid in our yard in a couple of weeks (doggies are having a nice holiday at the kennels while this happens) with a retaining wall and river stones along the edge. So looking forward to no more muddy dogs and runined carpets.

anyway - point of this is - can you wonderful experienced dog owners reccomend some good dog toys for our kelpie and our bloodhound - we have a home alone dog toy which the kelpie loves

Any treat balls or kongs are out of the question as the hound can be possesive over food and we don't want to instigate anything.

So far have thought of - staffy ball - clam with sand in it for digging - plastic reel from the cable rolls (OH can get one of these from work - like huge plastic cotton reels)

Also - a good walk each day and obedience training for both dogs (hopefully to get the kelpie into agility one day)

So - any ideas - and - if so - any good stockists

Thanks all - will post photos of the doggies in their new yard when it is all done

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Hey KHM,

I got my synthetic turf laid three days ago. It is the best idea I have ever had. My dogs are not the most active of dogs, in fact, they spend most of their time on the couch. But, I do have a lab who is a bit of a chewer. So far, they have shown absolutely no interest in the turf at all. Apart from play time galore. I just loaded it up with chew toys from Big W, balls and their favourite tuffy ring.

Whilst the turf is easily hosed off if they poo on it, three days in they are choosing not to! Fantastic!

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Completly offtopic; but when your turf is laid and you have the dogs back on it; would you mind PMing me what the total cost was; what work you needed done, if they did it, how many metres you got done, how long it took, how happy you are with it etc?

You're not far from me, and I'm considering getting fake turf instead or real turf; so would love to hear how you went.

If you dont mind. :heart:

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No worries Parkeyre will do - we are getting termi turf so it is quite pricey as it comes on large mats - so looking forward to not having a swamp out the back. we have a large undercover paved area so they can get off it in the shade easily - plus we have lots of shade

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Hi, I had fake turf put down in a section of my yard that was always muddy and in the shade (I think from memory it was 32 square metres) and it cost $2600. It was great for 6 months, the dogs never showed any interest in it, then one day I got home from work and there it was, the majority of it dug up and torn. I nearly cried!! The company that laid it stated that it couldn't be dug up (was the first question I asked them before having it laid), and they came back several times to repair it, at no charge, but gave up as there was no way they could guarantee that it couldn't be dug up!! I believe they have now deleted that section in their advertising that it cannot be dug up.

I hope you have better luck than I did, the product is great and parts of it are still in my yard, and every few days I go out and drag the turf back into the spots where they have dug it up from - while it was down, it was fantastic and I was even thinking of having my whole lawn done.

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This is what was said about the termi turf we are getting laid down

What about my pets?

⌂ Well for starters, no more prickles and grass seeds to groom out of their coat. As for any mess, firstly clean up any excess as you would a traditional lawn area and then simply spray the soiled area with a hose and brush the area as necessary. As man’s best friend likes to dig, all joints are sealed and the structure plus the uniformity of your new termiturf lawn should discourage this. The quality designed backing has accurately measured perforations which allow for drainage, this obviously helps eliminate any nasty odours and yellowing you would get with a seeded or instant lawn.

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