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There's Still Life In The Old Girl Yet!

mutt lover

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Well my old girl Lady made me laugh so much today, Driving home from work this aft I saw a whippet running along my road and pulled over as I didn't want to see it get hit as its quite a busy road with lot of milk tankers etc, was a very friendly dog happy to jump in my car and come home with me, did not have collar so didn't know who he belonged to but thought it has to be a farm near where he was running along road.

Anyway took him home so I could get changed and ring a few people I know in my area and my old dog Lady saw him through the sliding door and wanted out. I went and got a spare collar and lead and put on him just in case he wasn't dog friendly but was fine. Well Lady danced around him wiggled her bum at him and squeaked and bounced like she was flirting with him and when I let him off the lead they played in the front yard for about 5 mins before Lady decided she'd had enough then sat down next to him and wouldn't come inside.

Now I find this really funny as I have a male maltese x shih tzu and she will not have a bar of him wont even acknowledge he exists and if he tries to play with her he gets grumped at she obviously likes bigger dogs which makes me wonder if whoever owned her before I got her perhaps had a bigger dog as well but it just made me laugh as she is around 16-17 years old and is very arthritic these days but can obviously still turn it on when she wants to. :laugh:

Oh and did find owner of dog who was very grateful that I rescued him off road apparently he'd gone up to the shops and his mother left door open and didn't realize the dog had got out, I think my old dog Lady wasn't happy that her new friend went away. :confused:

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How funny! Glad you found the dog and got him home safe too.

What I want to know is how to find that particular dog yours wants to play with. What goes on in their heads? My chi x only plays with one dog - my aunts toy poodle. And she meets dozens of dogs.

And my boy rarely wants to play but just finds a certain dog now and again. He does like small white fluffy dogs so he really fancied the Japanese Spitz he met last week and they were inseperable for 1/2 hr. Both looking slightly the worst for wear after romping on the beach. I asked if I could borrow her dog. :D

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Last night after doing some agility stuff with Toby out the back I came in to find shredded newspaper all over the floor. Since Lincoln is im Melbourne at the moment it was very easy to lay the blame... with my 14yo! :)

Gotta love these stories. And valleyCBR, Toby would probably tell you it was Lincoln channeling through him :laugh:

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How funny! Glad you found the dog and got him home safe too.

What I want to know is how to find that particular dog yours wants to play with. What goes on in their heads? My chi x only plays with one dog - my aunts toy poodle. And she meets dozens of dogs.

And my boy rarely wants to play but just finds a certain dog now and again. He does like small white fluffy dogs so he really fancied the Japanese Spitz he met last week and they were inseperable for 1/2 hr. Both looking slightly the worst for wear after romping on the beach. I asked if I could borrow her dog. :hug:

Yeah is funny what dogs like and dislike, I was visiting a friends place couple of years ago who has a couple of Shelties, all lovely dogs but NO Lady wouldn't have a bar of them either, and at the same time friends brother was there with his Kelpie and Lady was happy to interact with the Kelpie but not the Shelties, Is hard to figure out what dogs she likes and dislikes.

A former neighbour owned a GSHP and she also loved this dog to play with even though it bowled her over and was so much bigger than her, I guess perhaps dogs are not unlike us people that perhaps first impressions count for them also, I know when I first meet someone if they are my cup of tea or not so maybe dogs are the same but would love to know what goes on in their heads thats for sure!

But I know one thing for sure that she won't have a bar of my SWF dog even though hes very good and worships the ground she walks on if he comes inside after going out to toilet and she's still outside he goes back to door and waits for her and wags his tail and sticks his nose out to her but she completely ignores him and looks other way like If I can't see him he doesn't exist lol! she also barks at him if he's on couch having a cuddle from me or if he's on couch and she's on floor will bark at him until he gets off then she's happy lol! (I tell her she's an old grouch), I'm lucky in the fact that the swf keeps to himself is happy to entertain himself with his toys and doesn't annoy her or crowd her in any way he learnt that when he first came to me after getting snapped at a few times from 'old grumpy bum'. :hug:

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:thumbsup: :D :eek:

that's a great story! Lady sounds like a real character!

Dunno about a character, she's a very spoilt n demanding old girl these days, but I love her to bits Dementia n all come 3 o'clock and she starts the bark for I want my dinner esp weekends when I'm home and weekdays If I get home from work around 4- 4.30 and If I go and feed my horse first Lady goes crook at me and barks non stop until I come in and get her dinner! :o I know who's the boss in this house and it isn't me that's for sure!.

She's always had some strange ways about her like when I moved to the country after living in melb suburbs, would she walk on dirt roads (NO) I had to take her in car into town or to a park that had pavement for her to walk on she'd just refuse to walk on dirt or gravel country roads, guess you can take the dog out of the city but you can't take the city out of the dog :). A previous landlord where I was renting once asked me "If I thought she knew she was a dog"? To which I replied "Ssssshhh I haven't told her yet" :) Honestly what would be all do if we didn't have our animals to make us laugh I think I would of had a breakdown years ago if I didn't have mine to make me laugh at the funny things they do!

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