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Doggie Tricks


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Hey all,

I just made a video showing Pepe's tricks including play dead, sneeze, push ups and go to bed.

What tricks do your dogs know? Do you have different versions of pepe's tricks? photos/videos please!

ETA: my video program doesn't like me atm so please ignore the fact that the song keeps going with no video!

Edited by nikivds
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My lab charlie does a wonderful trick where I pretend to sneeze and he grabs me a tissue out of the tissue box with his mouth and drops it in my lap! It's a real crowd pleaser; he does it in front of house guests and just laps up the attention. I taught him this in one session (45 minutes), armed with a clicker and lots of liver treats!

He also knows heaps of other tricks, like playing 'peek a boo', jumping over my leg when i use it as an obstacle and say 'jump', targetting, spinning, high five etc

I was trying to teach him how to remove socks but then stopped as he was picking it up very quickly and i didn't want him to get into a habit of biting people's feet to get socks off !

I am teaching my goldie 'put your hands up , you are under arrest', where i get her to put her paws up against the wall and do a body search on her :) She's getting it, but I have dirty walls as a result! Luckily our paint is great and dirt comes off easy..

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Pepe is sooo good!

My big boy Barney gives high fives, big loves, rolls over and "get dad" (and/or mum)...among other usual boring stuff like sit etc.

Our littleun Pippi does "dance" and that's about it. I think her ears are purely for decoration because unless she thinks there is something in it for her, she doesn't hear a word you say.

Our old girl Chevy (RIP) was our little circus freak. She could roll over, crawl, when you asked her "what do you say" she would beg, she could "shake" (her paw) and "the other one" change foot, she would "get the smokes" (lol I know bad eh), she danced too, she also did get dad/mum, we went through a period where we spent a bit of time teaching her to "give us some light" and put th elight on, but for some reason once she learnt it we never actually repeated it lol. There are some I have forgotten but she was a very very smart girl and learnt all her tricks in only a few minutes, and her last one she probably learnt at about 11 or so.

I never put in any time for tricks, my OH does all the trick work - usually when he has had a few beers LOLOL. Though I did teach Pippi to dance but only because it was soemthing she did anyway so it was just a matter of encouraging it and getting her to ad in a twirl lol

I wish I had the patience and the time to do it!!

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I couldn't watch it, it took too long to load, I dont know if it's my computer or the video.

Hey were you the person who was looking for a staffy iggy cross a couple of years ago. I am pretty sure I saw one a couple of months ago at St Kilda beach. I could clearly see both breeds in this amazing little dog and it brought back to mind there'd been a person here looking for one.

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Zoe does:





'Bang' (play dead)

'Dance' (stand on hind legs)

Touch (touch target with nose)

has started walking backwards but haven't put it on cue yet

Kaos does:


Touch (touch target with nose)

walks backwards but I haven't put it on cue yet

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Pepe's a clever boy!

Here's James' video from last month:

Haven't taught him anything lately. He learnt "back up" for obedience school a few weeks ago, but nothing since. I've been intending to fix his "crawl" and "bow" as he's quite slack with them, but haven't gotten around to it.

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My EH watches me use the kleenex on my nose, and then raids my pocket for the goodies. Not a great trick, more like an annoying habit.

She does on command -

roll over,

shake hands, shake other hand

touch nose on hand

drop-sit-drop-sit-stand etc

"what you say" (talking)

and "tail worky" (wags tail).

We're working on "on your mat"

And she knows "bed time for dogs" but not like Pepe.

Very cool. Lots of crowd pleasers.

Mine does bow and commando crawling but not on command. She also does paddle paddle dance for treats (from other people), but again, not on command. And she does "greedy pig" sort of on command. It looks a lot like the "push ups" (which I thought was going to be bow-stand-bow-stand...) except she stands on her back legs, grabs my hand with the treat in it with her front paws and tries to get you to part with it.

She also trades strapping tape and baseballs for treats, but not on command. Well when I see her with the contraband I can get her to give it up on command in exchange for extremely yummy treat. So long as I don't panic.

I really should do more work with the clicker.

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Guest Clover

One of mine can howl on comand aka 'Are you a Wolf?'. But other than that they dont know many tricks, just formal obedience stuff.

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