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Holidaying With A Dog


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Hi, is this more trouble than it's worth? We're going away for a week soon and there is a chance i can take my little Pomeranian with us. What do you do if you want to go to places that dogs aren't allowed? Like out to tea. The accommodation we have is a ground floor apartment. Would a portable dog enclosure be useful. I don't want to be stressed or for him to be stressed on a long earned holiday. Should i just book him into the kennel. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanx :cry:

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When I have stayed at dog friendly accommodation, I have contained my dogs inside (in a room they cant do damage in) when I have had to go out with out them.

Last time we had a huge backyard but the risk of my dog escaping wasn't worth thinking about so she was put in our bedroom (she is not destructive).

If your pom is used to a crate, I'd use that. :cry:

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If you are going on a holiday to relax and do things without your dog then I wouldn't take him. I have had numerous offers to take my dog with me on holiday and I know that the minute I can't take her somehwere it is a concern at the kennel I know she is safe and well cared for and I enjoy my holiday too.

Later in the year when it is warmer I plan to go on a doggy holiday that means wherever we are and do she is included.

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when we holiday as a family we take all of our dogs

when OH and i go it alone the older kids in the fam look after the animals

you cant go out to dinner much...unless you get an open air sidewalk deal

with a pom it shouldnt be a worry unless hes a bit of a piddler which disturbs other diners

we dont go out at night on holidays...

sometimes some holiday places offer dog sitting but mostly youre on your own

you could always kennel him locally ( ie the area youre staying in) when you do decide to go out for a night...book a kennel or a vet ahead of time or ring and ask if you get in lastminute

we did this when we went to qld to all the theme parks..we booked the dogs in just for the day

it worked out 'well'..the dogs hated it...i suspect cos thats the way it is..but they were in good shape when we got them back..i felt awful and i doubt ill be doing it again unless we are really pressed but then you sometimes have to do it...so that the whole fam can be together

we love taking our dogs..wed be miserable without them...when OH and i go overseas i miss the animals so much ...it becomes a physical ache and i turn into a petstalker...following people who are walking their dogs just so i can pat their doggies lol lol

for me it is not a lot of trouble..cos it is so worth it

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I take Charlie on my holiday trips.. he loves it. We usually eat outside at a cafe where he just lays under my chair and watching people walking pass... he does get a lot of pats too, so he loves that.

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