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Animals kept either in groups or individual confinement must have space to feed, sleep, sit, stand, lie with limbs extended, stretch and move about.


Special provision must be made to prevent the young of any species being overlain.


Not withstanding the above, dogs and puppies must be exercised according to breed and age, but for a minimum of ten minutes, at least three times daily


Dogs and cats of any age must not be left unattended for more than

sixteen hours

I am sure people with more knowledge and experience will read through the recomendations but I found the above paragraphs quite unacceptable-16 hours per day left unattended is a long time to leave animals unsupervised and in danger of all sorts of disasters I would have thought.

Moreover 30 minutes a day out of a cage is a minuscule amount of time :cry:

If these are improvements what ar the legislations at the moment?

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This legislation will also cover rescue shelters etc and I know that they are not all exercised out of their pens at least 3 x daily each for half an hour.

I have contacted PIAA to voice my "unappreciation" as a member of not being kept informed of the process as we (Pet stores) were not involved in any discussions but they as a group were represented. I am annoyed that this is my area in the Industry and it was the perfect opportunity to make a contribution and I feel incredibly let down especially as I only found out about it through this site. Changes in Legislation very rarely get done and I feel that it should be utilised to the fullest so that positive steps forward are made. Ok rant over, pregnancy hormones back under control :cry:

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where is their exposure to natural light going to come from ?

The sun shining out of the sellers a$$ :cry:

Also dogs/puppies that are quarantined for illness wouldn't get exercised for risk of spreading infection but not exercising them is breach of Legislation. The document needs to be more detailed to incorporate these things

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