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Do You Have A Busy Dog?


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Our greyhounds are not busy at all. Greyhounds don't do busy very well. :hug:

Greyhounds are lovely!

I have a young working malinois - she pretty much embodies busy. She will settle in the house when told to do so, but it is definitely contrary to her nature. I'm considering fostering greyhounds for GAP when I'm less busy - perhaps they will teach her to snooze! :hug:

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Genevieve recently landed herself a new job as bird watcher.

She sits in the front window and barks at the one magpie that insists on standing in the middle of the yard. And of course, I ignore it. Which means she keeps running into me to get me, to take action. I never so. I hate birds more than she does. So after listening to her bark for a bit, then run in and out of the lounge room in an attempt to get me to do something.... I open the door to let her outside... and she reverses out of the way!!!!! She won't even go outside to bark at the bloody magpie!

She has a stop and a go button. She is either zonked out snoring her little head off, or she's on a mission. Apparently she hasn't heard of moving between the gears in order to get to 5th! There is no in between.

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Ruby and Gracie are independent dogs who will quite happily do their own thing.

Poppy is lazy. She couldn't be bothered getting off the bed a couple of times this week so didn't end up going for a walk. Not that she cared.

Holly is busy but usually involves us in her plans, she's usually looking for a cuddle or bringing us toys.

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Flash has to be busy all the times, well he is a coolie. He has to know where I am and be with me. He has to know where the two goldens are, he has to know where the 3 cats and he has to make sure they are all behaving themselves. Only when he knows his family are all safe that he will relax as much as he can relax.

Tilly likes to wander around and have a look at things, she too has to be with me at all times, she settles easily when it's just me at home but with visitors she paces

Onslow spends his life asleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Jane is a 'Thinker'. She is constantly aware of her environment and god forbid anything new being put on the bench or mantle piece ( she has trained us to NEVER put anything lower down!) as she will make it her new challange to attempt to get it and explore (read...destroy) it. I am constantly amazed at her ability to actually get things I think I have put out of her reach and poorer for it I may add!

I have even seen her hear a plane, look up at the sky and eye track it! Last night, I came home and was getting ready for bed. Jane sleeps in my room and she was abit reeved up so I shut her in my bedroom while I cleaned my teeth as I knew she was in the mood to zoom outside with my pillows ( a predictable little habit!). I was quite smug cleaning my teeth knowing that pillow was safe and sound only to find out 5 minutes later that she had spead said pillow ALL OVER the bedroom!!!!

Gus....is easy....abit a a chewer at 6 months and he tears up the occasional bit of paper but thats it!

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Guest Clover

If there is nothing to do, well nothing i want to do with them they will just sleep most of the time. Occasionally i sneak a little look out the back window and they will be doing mad zoomies and wrestling, so it is good to know they do actually play with one another :thumbsup:.

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