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How Do I Know?


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My dog has been sleeping through the night since he was 6 months old, he is now 15 months. Last week we added chicken back into his elimination diet and he was a lot more itchy etc and since then he has been getting up every night to go outside to the toilet. He has been having an allergy flare so i dont know if its just that he wakes up, is itchy, and then because he is up scratching he needs the toilet. The grass is dying where he goes for a no 1 on the same spot ( I dont think this is unusual) but the garden is smelling a bit from his urine. How do I know if he has a problem like an infection etc?

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You could start by getting some urine testing strips. I get my pH and glucose ones from a chemist for my diabetic dog.

Ideally though, you should get a urine sample and take it to you vet to check. This can be done by using a clean stainless steel bowl and then transferring to the appropriate container (think you can get these from the chemist too)

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Agree with what Shmoo has said although I would not think it likely that a 15 month old male has a UTI to be honest.

He is not going to the toilet more frequently during the day and when he does go its a decent amount at a time, not little bits here and there, he is very very active still and does not seem to be in any pain.

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