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Toilet Training


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How do most breeders start house training their puppies?

do they let them out every 2 hours or so or crating or let them poop in their den?

What do some breeders do to help pups get the hang of house training?

Thanks :)

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i have been toilet traning my pups from about 4 weeks of age.. half the puppy pen is news paper.. as the weeks go on they get better and better to use the paper.. but we still have spills :) But other wise they are doing great..

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Most pups don't like to soil their own nest - so it's just a matter of using this to advantage to start toilet training. My pups have a 'toileting' newspaper area from when they start moving around and mum stops cleaning them up. As soon as they are old enough to go outside I get up and let them out as soon as they wake up and they toilet outside. I usually give lots of praise when they respond to the word 'toilet' by doing it. Hope that makes sense - been a looooooong day. :-)

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i have been toilet traning my pups from about 4 weeks of age.. half the puppy pen is news paper.. as the weeks go on they get better and better to use the paper.. but we still have spills :cheer: But other wise they are doing great..

Same here,large box as their bed, with-in a larger box as pen(largest LCD.TV box I can find) with newspaper, I believe this is why buyers often remark how well trained they are,they have become accustomed to it.Now 7 weeks & they are venturing out of the pen so I have 2 areas as well with newspaper on the floor.Late afternoons they come out with me under the pergola & will explore & find the lawn very soon. They don't do it in their bed once they are getting around.

Thank goodness for boxes & newspapers,every-one saves their newspapers for me.

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i have been toilet traning my pups from about 4 weeks of age.. half the puppy pen is news paper.. as the weeks go on they get better and better to use the paper.. but we still have spills :thumbsup: But other wise they are doing great..

Same here. Lots of praise & I use one word for any toileting. Piddles in the word.

When they come out of the pen in the lounge to play I put a piece of newspaper on the floor & place them on it if I see them start to go & say piddles. Also don't move the paper when its just a little bit wet as the smell encourages them & the others to go in that spot. Move solids instantly though as they will get in a mess in it. :)

By the time they are old enough to play outside they know the piddle word, so big fuss & praise when they go out there too.

Not perfect when ready for homes but they have a clue to start them off.

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Yep same here. Our pups paper train themselves as soon as they can move around and get out of the box. We then put a puppy pen up around the end of the box so they can get out and about - they end up with quite a sizeable area because the paper area is as big as the box.

Within a couple of days they have themselves papertrained. Then once we start taking them outside for a few minutes or hours they tend to learn to wait. I have just walked 6 pups through the house from one yard to the other side of the house, no accidents.

Some puppy adopters have commented that their baby was housetrained within a couple of days - we figure the paper bit gives them a good head start.

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lots of newspaper spread around outside the whelping box with an open end they can come out once they are moving around, they wake up and start coming out to wee. There are always a couple that start to wee as soon as they wake up, I keep putting them out on the paper ....they soon get the hang of it.

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