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Animal Related Jobs

charlie mouse

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Hi muckypup. Adelaide is a black hole for jobs, especially in the animal industry. I've been trying my hardest to get my foot in the animal industry in Adelaide for two years without success, even with the help of some people already in the industry.

Unless you have some decent qualifications [ie. Vet nursing, etc] your chances are quite slim.

My advice, is still with the grooming until you find another job in the industry. It's much easier to find work if you already have a job.

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I was lucky and got my Nursing job without any qualifications or experience. I was lucky to find a Boss who was opened minded and from his experience, found the nurses with Qualifications were often no better than ones who had no experience :)

Keep an eye on Kookaburra Vets as its usually updated daily and I've often seen clinics advertising for trainee nurses.

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With your grooming experience I would recommend approaching vet clinics and asking if they need a groomer. once you have your foot in the door you could ask for some casual work to get some vet nursing experience. Alternatively ask local clinics if they need a kennel hand, it wont be full time work but is a foot in the door. I am in the animal industry in SA and still havent found an animal related job I enjoy.

However, I have signed up with Pet Sitters Australia and we are currently trying to get the word out about our new service in Adelaide (previously only serviced Sydney). Hopefully we will get some bookings with it leading up to Christmas. Check out the website at www.petsitaus.com.au or check out the facebook page. What's great is when you join you also do a pet first aid training course. Email Kerry if you are interested or PM me for more info.

Good Luck with your search.

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There are plenty of animal jobs in Adelaide. They are just picky with who they hire.. and rightfully so! There are so many people wanting to get in to the industry they can afford to be. I've found that studies definitely helped me get a number of animal jobs but your experience in a grooming and training is definitely going to do you favours! What sort of work did you have in mind? If I were you I'd just pop my resume into a few places.. often vet clinics, kennels, etc dont advertise because they have such a huge back log of people wanting to work there anyway but if your resume has got what they want.. you WILL get a call!

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