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Making The Best Of A Bad Situation


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I am with the SES and was called out last night to a flood, water was just about in the house. The owners had a JRT x that was having the time of its life, running through the water chasing the brooms as we swept, very interested in the water pump and barking at the truck when strange voice came through the loud speaker. He was jumping all over the strange people in orange that where walking around his house. The owner weren't to happy about it but to the the dog it was the best adventure ever. He certainly kept me amused standing in the rain and cold at 1 in the morning :cry:


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Hahaha, that's funny although I'm sure the poor home owners didn't think so.

Amazing what dogs find amusing. I have a 4 month old puppy who's just discovered swimming in the fishpond is the best fun ever. Even at 7am when the water is almost frozen.

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