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Double Leads/couplers?


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Doesn't need to be gorgeous at all, just not ugly like the ones I found on ebay (olive green). :cry: That would be great Gayle! :D

It's a size large...big enough to couple two dogs Aussie size or larger. PM your address to me and I'll post it this week, as soon as I can get to the PO.

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I got one from petstock. its great as you can change the length. One side can be longer than the other if you want or you can adjust the length between the dogs which is good if you have different size dogs and with fosters yours dogs can vary a lot in size

any news on the pups


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Ooh that sounds good Lynda. Will have to pop in and see if I can find one of those. Haven't heard anymore from the pups owners? I sent an email a while ago but no response. Will try again soon.

Goldengirl, I think 3 dogs on one lead would lead to my demise! LOL!

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