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Ginger For Travel Sickness


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;) Hi, I need the DOLers help again:

My 6 month old pup is a very poor traveller, literally 5 minutes is all it takes in the car before she's throwing up. I need something that will settle her so we can get to training, which is only about 6 minutes away.....otherwise I have to get there 30 minutes early so she's recovered from her vomiting and is herself again. On the way home, she throws up all her hard earned treat rewards, it's just not fair for the poor little thing.

Has anyone used Ginger tablets sucessfully? Is there a correct dosage for dogs eg: per kilo? any other suggestions to help her travel better?

If I need to take her on a long trip, my vet will give me something appropriate, but it will make her groggy, and I don't want to have to medicate her every week.

Thanks for any help!

Edited by Whippetsmum
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Hey, I use ginger tablets. Emmy doesn't throw up anymore but she it doesn't stop her from drooling...

We give her the tablet 1/2 hour before we leave, but now I'm finding that ginger biscuit is working much better! I feed her one biscuit about 15 minutes before we go.

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Many dogs grow out of it. I have a Cattle X who also chucked on 5 minute car trips. He's now been on 600k, 1500k, 2500k trips with no throwing up. I didn't use ginger, he just eventually got used to the motion of the car. Try to keep your driving as smooth as possible, I found that it was the stopping and starting motions that caused him to be sick.

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I have used Rescue remedy with success - the human one from the pharmacist.

Start giving it a couple of hours before with your last dose 10 minute prior to getting in the car. Then give her a dose to get home.

She should grow out of it with time.

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