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Glad that your dobe has improved. It is risky if such a situations are left unattended as the swelling can increase to the point of blocking the airways. I lost my beloved papillon 6 years ago due to being stung by a bee. He was outside in the backyard with another dog, I had stepped out to do some shopping and when I came home about 2 hours later I noticed that his face was swollen, I put him in the car and rushed to the vet, which was about 10 mins away. No sooner did I step into the vet surgery he stopped breathing, the vet tried to give him CPR amongst other things but all attempts failed. A very very sad day for me and one which I still remember very vividly. I still miss my little Merlin.

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Glad that your dobe has improved. It is risky if such a situations are left unattended as the swelling can increase to the point of blocking the airways. I lost my beloved papillon 6 years ago due to being stung by a bee. He was outside in the backyard with another dog, I had stepped out to do some shopping and when I came home about 2 hours later I noticed that his face was swollen, I put him in the car and rushed to the vet, which was about 10 mins away. No sooner did I step into the vet surgery he stopped breathing, the vet tried to give him CPR amongst other things but all attempts failed. A very very sad day for me and one which I still remember very vividly. I still miss my little Merlin.

Oh that would've been a horrible experience! So sorry that happened!

I don't usually have problems with bee stings but once, about a year or so ago, my dalmatian Guiness got stung by a European wasp (he used to climb up into the grape vine and try to compete with the wasps for the grapes!!! I'm surprised he only got stung once!). ANyway, it was right above his eye and I actually saw it swell up as I was looking at him while talking to a friend. I was very worried about his eye and it was a HUGE swelling!!! I immediately applied apple cider vinegar (carefully) and a cold compress with a rosemary and plantain herb mix in it (kept replenishing the herb tea in the compress) then gave him some homeopathic remedies for good measure = it went down again within half an hour. Don't really know if the homeopathic pills did anything tho. :thumbsup:

Great to hear Divani is fine!

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