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Swallen Face


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Divani woke me up several times during the night, I got up now to let her out, and she has a face that is completly swallen.

My flatmate took her with him to the Blue Mountains yesterday and I notitced that she had some bite like lumps on her forehead.

She seems to act a bit strange, but not much, just is not sleeping and feeling sorry for herself. And of course rumbbing her face on things.

I gave her phenurgan and will take her to the vet in the morning, but what on earth could this be?

Edited by MonElite
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You might find she's alot better in the morning. Yes, it looks like a bite or some other allergic reaction.

One thing my vet told me when my horse came up in welts all over his body and his face swelled up like the elephant man is that it only takes one wasp, not a whole swarm. I assumed all the individual lumps were separate bites, but no, just the reaction from one.

I hope your girl is feeling much better now.

Edited by Kirislin
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This is bizzare to see your thread as we went thru the same thing last night. I came downstairs at about 9pm and noticed abbis face had blown up like a balloon. Called the vet and decided to meet him in half an hour but by that stage her face had started going down. Called him back and he said to flush out the mouth and use a cold compress. I actually thought of phenergan aswell but didn't use it. Abbi had been chewing a none all day and had also eaten a prawn at dinnertime. We assumed it was a reaction to either trauma from the bone or the prawn. She is still a bit swollen today but not enough to be a concern.

Is your dog ok this morning? Did she eat anything strange yesterday? Hope she is feeling better. :laugh:

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No she looked worse when I woke up at 6.30. BF is taking her to the vet right now.

She didnt eat anything strange, I had a look in her mouth, there was nothing weird there.

She acts normal, drinks is hungry but just rubs her face on things and scratches behind ears (and that is really red now)

I looked for ticks, any visible bites but I cant find a thing.

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BF just called me after the visit to the vet.

Divani got a shot of something, she will be drinking and urinating a lot for about a week, she might get worse still but from tomorrow she will be getting better.

She was sh*t scared of the vet, shaking and fell of the table. Well I knew she wont like him, they have met before LOL

but other then that she will be like new in no time Im told.

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I wonder if there is some seasonal nasty about?

Honey had a similar episode a week ago, though her face was not as swollen as Divani's - it was her tummy that copped the brunt of it. Typical contact allergy apparently- dog sticks nose into plant then walks through it.

You are lucky, you were warned about antihistamines and excessive drinking/urinating.

I had to mop up 3 accidents before it twigged!

If she is like Honey, Divani should be much better in a day. Poor things, they must feel so awful- Honey was sooo sooky with her itchies.

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You are lucky, you were warned about antihistamines and excessive drinking/urinating.

I had to mop up 3 accidents before it twigged!

Thats because I go to the best vet in the world. :rofl:

Its just a shame she doesnt really like him :D

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BF just called me after the visit to the vet.

Divani got a shot of something, she will be drinking and urinating a lot for about a week, she might get worse still but from tomorrow she will be getting better.

She was sh*t scared of the vet, shaking and fell of the table. Well I knew she wont like him, they have met before LOL

but other then that she will be like new in no time Im told.

I'm glad Divani is ok.

I got a wasp sting myself day before last - on the finger and it was swollen and sore for a while too. Must be a good season for bities this year. :laugh:


I am so happy my current vet treats Kaisie on the floor. All three of us end up sitting on the floor. :rofl:

When we had the Wei, I used to take my DH with me to help them get her on the table. It struck me as a bit weird at the time. So when we got the next dog, we also changed vets (for more than one reason) and we have been happy floor dwellers ever since.

Why the heck do they insist on lifting big dogs onto (comparatively) small, slippery tables to "examine" them?

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Guest sharynriding

My goldie's face was swollen up just like Divani's and I suspected a bite, gave some phenergan and watched. When his face didn't come good, was giving him another good going over before taking him to the vet and found a grass seed (or something similar) embedded in his muzzle. Literally pulled it straight out, (he's a good boy, lets you do anything to him!) and his swelling came down in half an hour. Hope she's feeling better soon.

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This is my girls face when she was stung by a bee last year. There is a large swelling under her left eye, a little hard to see at this angle but she was the most cooperative model. This was after she's been to the vet. The first time she was stung I found her unconscious in the backyard, that was a bit of a heartstopper with a rush to the vets.

Sorry had to edit photo.

Edited by Jigsaw
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My Irish Setter pup was stung last month. Bee or Ant - faces swell dramatically. It looks even more impressive when it is one of the Papillons that has been shoving her nose where she shouldn't. I usually just monitor that the breathing isn't compromised and use cold compresses for the swelling, if necessary. Mine have never been itchy though, rubbing or pawing at the face, if they had it would have been off to the vet for them. Mine are usually back to normal in about 24 hours.


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In my experience dobes play sook really well...my ol girl used to do it all the time. She had intermittent lameness which lead me to take her to work (vet clinic) turns out she was fine. Everytime she ate kibble and stood on a piece she'd limp for three days.

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