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Neospora & Molly


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Guest Shadowboxer

My heart goes out to you Jacqui. If only our old ones would leave us peacefully in their sleep, what a blessing for us and them. I have wished that for my veterans and have sat all night with a dying Boxer just willing a natural death. But it is so often too hard for that determined heart and spirit to leave without the help that we owe them and which they deserve. Please, don't hang on hoping that she will leave of her own accord. You will know when she is ready and if you meet her need you will never feel the guilt of knowing that you were too long in making the right decision for her. Give her her reward of a dignified and painless death knowing that it is the last and greatest gift of love and respect that you can offer her.

If possible, have the vet come to her so that she is comfortable & secure in surroundings that she knows.

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not to throw a spanner in the works bommy, but if she has improved to the extent that she's looking for her food, standing and eating well then I wouldn't be so worried about the weight loss. It is possible that it's a part of her natural healing. Also, if she had a full bladder and bowel at the last weigh in and had an empty one this time it's actually quite possible that she has put on weight in the body but lost it in the urine/faeces. Eg: 2 days apart weighings of my pointer pup. first one said he was 4.9kg, next one, 6.1kg. I knew he hadn't put that much on - but the second time after we got home he did a big wee and a poo too. Obviously this can also work in reverse.

I would strongly consider that possibility, if otherwise she is seeming better. Take her for more weighings to be sure.

She sounds like she's a lot better than when you pm'd me. I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater yet. If your doing other treatment options then I wouldn't discount the possibility that she really is improving. Often they'll have a temporary downturn in weight before an upturn. I truly hope that is the case.

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aatanic :rofl:

Its true she has improved a hundredfold to when I pmed you, I am just so bummed out by the weight loss. The locum vet today didnt say that she couldlose before she put back on! We go for another weigh in with our "normal" vets Monday they will be back then, I guess I'll just have to play it by ear till then.



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the idea of losing weight and or condition as the first step before improving isn't really considered in conventional medicine but it is well known in natural medicine. e.g - often after a change to a natural diet a dog will vomit, pass worms, drop coat and lose weight or appear sickly. We know that this will pass and the dog will come out of the other side of it feeling much better. I"m praying that this might be what's happening to molly, you can only hope.

I'd also try supplementing her feed with some raw organic honey - great energy and mineral source and it has a lot of healing properties - it might just help her assimilate the energy from her diet better.

btw - what treatment options had you decided on? did you take her off the drugs, or try the lumostine, or what? just that the weight loss may have to do with a change in treatment plan as well.

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We went of the drugs - no lumostine, the results as to whether it is hystacidic or lymphatic are still not back yet anyways & I didnt want to force to have chemo if there was not at least a high percentage it would work. I have decided Idexx are hopeless they have had the lumps since 14th January & it is still going on, all because they didnt do the complete testing in the first place! I know they are probably busy but I need to vent my anger & they are who we are waiting on!

We are using Total Transfer Factor Plus which has had a good result on cancer dogs in the US (though theirs is the animal one & we cant get that here so it is the human variety). We decided we would try that instead of the lumostine at least for ow.



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Oh Jacquie, I really hope aatainc is right. It is exeptionally hard when they start looking up, only to have another down fall. Lilian is looking up now, and we're playing the waiting game to see when she crashes again, oh how I hate the waiting game. So I feel your pain, poor Molly, I hope she picks up again. Don't make your judgments by weight, go by quality of life - if she is picking up and eating, even if she is losing weight, she is probably feeling better. You will know when it is time, you will look into her eyes one day and they will tell you. Stay strong girl, you need to be, for Molly :thumbsup:

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Cant believe it! Had molly weighed today at 5pm & she is up to 24.31kgs almost 1&1/2 kgs in 2 days.... go figure! He hasnt been this weight since november! :thumbsup:

We are ALL really happy about this.


PS Aatanic looks like you may have been right!


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aw that is so good im so glad for you both! Lets all pray she stays this weight or puts on more! great news jaqui im so happy for you.

look like our prayers may have been answered ! lets hope she keeps going up and up :thumbsup:

thats such good news!

Thats it Abz,

every day she just keeps surprising us. Thank goodness its going the right way now!



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I had a hunch you know.

Now, I do want to say this though. What you are doing with going off the drugs, and the other care things, like I suggested, please don't expect it to cure her - although I guess you never know. I wouldn't want to get your hopes up. I just wanted to say this because I strongly feel that the "cure it" attitude of some vets/medico's, while commendable and understandable, often results in more suffering for an animal which was never realistically going to fully recover anyway. What my goal would be, is to get her feeling good and feeling/looking happier so that she can actually enjoy her last few weeks/months with you, rather than spend it in pain and misery. this is an acheivable goal and it looks like it's working.

My next two recommendations:

-Definitely go get the raw organic honey- it really is natures wonder food.

- Secondly, get her some shark cartilage powder/tablets (if you can.) They should be available at health food stores. This stuff is usually used to aid arthritis but studies have shown that shark cartilage powder actually restricts blood flow to tumerous cells - effectively preventing tumours from growing any bigger. Some humans have completely halted tumour progression through taking it. I would definitely give it a go - ask the health food store for a dosage rate - with any luck it could prolong her happy times with you. You want the whole cartilage powder though, not just the active ingredient.

Also, are you packing the vegies into her diet? An old chinese herbalist who treated my grandma in the last stages of her cancer said that the cancer had progressed so rapidly because the diet she was following restricted her intake of greens and other coloured vegies. He recommended as many green leafy and yellow vegetables as could be stuffed down her throat! Preferably raw. In molly's case, I'd be going for the juice if possible. Spinach (esp baby spinach) is another powerhouse food. Asian greens and carrot juice is also excellent. Alfalfa is another great one and some of the herbs like basil have very powerful antioxidants.

Are you giving her vitamin C? It would probably help - but only give it to her if it doesn't give her the runs. Goodness knows she doesn't need diarrhea to deal with too. Give her the highest dose she can tolerate.

I hope some of these things continue to help her improve. Oh, and plenty of fresh filtered water of course!

Of course, I'm not qualified in cancer therapy or anything like that - in fact I've never had a dog with cancer - all of what I'm describing here are from either my experiences with relatives with cancer and from general natural healing principles.

Please keep us updated!

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Think the only thing youve left out aatianc

is shitake mushrooms

Think I`ll partake in the diet you suggest myself

Your absolutely correct ... re nutritional advantages of everything you have suggested :thumbsup:

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ok, shitake is something I hadn't heard about. Care to share the list of benefits?

Yes, I really ought to be feeding myself more vegies! My dogs definitely eat better than I do!

Thanks for backing me up. Nice to know I'm not way off track. Would be nicer for molly to confirm this by putting on more weight next week!

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Spinach is the one vege molly loves she cant get enough spinach! that & the little yellow squashes! Mushrooms she used to spit out the mushies after she had sucked out the juices! So we will see! But I figure if I keep her mainly on a diet of the following I should be right:

Raw chicken frames & bones

Chicken breasts/ thigh fillets (she likes these cooked)

lamb flaps


green leafy vegetables

yellow wvegetables

mushrooms (shitake)

raw Org Honey

salmon/tuna/sardines - she loves all these

shark cartilidge - (would glucosamine or sashas blend do?)

natural yoghurt


PLus total factor plus!

I also every now & then cook her up some mince & pasta.......


Will keep up with the weekly updates!

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hi bommy,

that's what I was trying to say with the shark cartilage, you need the whole stuff, not just the active ingredient (glucosamine.)

This is a link to somewhere it can be bought. More can be found through googling.


This is a short article about some of the effects of it:


To be fair, this is the SA cancer fund's response to it, to give a balanced view. Perhaps there isn't any benefit to using it at all. Make up your own mind - I dont' really know.


I hope you can wade through all of that!

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