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Iams/euk Recall In Usa And Canada


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Euk run testing on their foods every 20min in the factory. I get that its not desirable to have this, but lets face it, it's not a major problem really and atleast they found about it and decided to voluntarily recall the possibly affected lines.

I'm not trying to promote Euk in any way, but atleast they're doing the quality control so often and acting on it - I wonder how many other companies do such rigorous checks?

If they run testing every 20 min why does it get bagged and shipped all over the world and then do a recall after many days doesnt make sence to me

Not many companys have had two recalls in such a short time frame.

Edited by G.G
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Euk run testing on their foods every 20min in the factory. I get that its not desirable to have this, but lets face it, it's not a major problem really and atleast they found about it and decided to voluntarily recall the possibly affected lines.

I'm not trying to promote Euk in any way, but atleast they're doing the quality control so often and acting on it - I wonder how many other companies do such rigorous checks?

If they run testing every 20 min why does it get bagged and shipped all over the world and then do a recall after many days doesnt make sence to me

Not many companys have had two recalls in such a short time frame.

I don't know. I don't work for Euk. Maybe the tests they do take days to show up certain things, by which time they've already bagged it.

No recalls for a food company are good, but this was a voluntary one not because it was going to poison dogs. They apparently got one positive for Salmonella so decided to recall.

I'm just trying to say that another food companies might not even be testing for this, or not as often, so possibly have been sold with the same problem, but because we don't know about it, it doesn't affect us. This company did the test and got a positive so recalled.

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"voluntary" :thumbsup: Wouldn't exactly call it that. Rationalising a 20min product spec makes them good despite 2 very recent contaminated food recalls is illogical thinking.

Their 20min product spec is: A) Industry standards that they don't adhere to, or B) Their policy that they don't exactly adhere to.

I vote B.

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Well they are saying it was a company decision to pull. Euk made the decision to recall, so they are calling it voluntary.

How do you know that they don't adhere to the product testing every 20mins?

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Euk run testing on their foods every 20min in the factory. I get that its not desirable to have this, but lets face it, it's not a major problem really and atleast they found about it and decided to voluntarily recall the possibly affected lines.

I'm not trying to promote Euk in any way, but atleast they're doing the quality control so often and acting on it - I wonder how many other companies do such rigorous checks?

If they run testing every 20 min why does it get bagged and shipped all over the world and then do a recall after many days doesnt make sence to me

Not many companys have had two recalls in such a short time frame.

I don't know. I don't work for Euk. Maybe the tests they do take days to show up certain things, by which time they've already bagged it.

No recalls for a food company are good, but this was a voluntary one not because it was going to poison dogs. They apparently got one positive for Salmonella so decided to recall.

I'm just trying to say that another food companies might not even be testing for this, or not as often, so possibly have been sold with the same problem, but because we don't know about it, it doesn't affect us. This company did the test and got a positive so recalled.

stormie l was wondering why u dont think this recall is serious if its not serious they would not do it you state you dont work for euk but you promote euk and sell euk

makes sence now

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I'm not promoting Euk, G.G and never have. I feed raw. Yes, our clinic sells Euk, but we also sell Eagle Pack, TuckerTime, some Royal Canin and Hills.

Just because I'm looking at it from another point of view, does not mean I am working for the company or have any connection to them.

I don't think this recall is AS serious as the ones we have seen due to Melamine or Irradiation problems. Dogs have very strong stomachs which allow them to deal with bacteria like Salmonella in MOST CASES. Their main concern, from what I've been told, is human infection. It is unlikely that should a dog consume some kibble that had Salmonella on it, that they'd show symptoms. It's a possibility though, as is human infection, so they recalled.

If you read post posts properly, you'll see that I'm just saying 'atleast they do the testing' and found out about this to do the recall.

I don't know why it took them a week to do the recall here. I don't know how their process works. I'm merely pointing out that maybe lots of dry food has been sold and fed, that may have had salmonella contamination because the company doesn't test for it.

But yes, G.G, clearly after being here so long, and reading all my posts, it 'must make sense'. :)

I should say, after reading the responses to this, it's made me realise, what hope do any kibble companies have of satisfying people?

We complain because they don't use enough meat, but too much grains. We complain because it's cooked at such a high temperature which destroys so much of the nutrients. But then we complain when they get a possible bacterial contamination from using meat, or not cooking it high enough, or however it happened.

Then you get a food like Orijen. They didn't cook their foods at a high enough temp for Aust rules, so they agreed to have the food irradiated before entering the country, without carrying out any tests on the food first. Turns out that was a bad mistake and a number of cats were affected quite badly. Many people complained, and quite rightly, because they didn't bother testing it first.

Yet here we have a company who claims to have a high level of quality control and regularly test their product, get a positive, decide to recall so as to reduce any impact, and still everyone complains.

Edited by stormie
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I had some Naturally Wild salmon given to me a couple of months ago. The first bag was fine and dogs enjoyed it (though they will eat anything) but the second bag resulted in my dogs having a bout of diarrhoea. I ended up throwing it out but I see the best before date of this food is now listed as being recalled. May or may not be related to this though. :thumbsup:

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