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Here's Your Chance To Make A Difference


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MDBA Pacers www.mdbapacers.org.au is an Australia wide professional

charitable organization committed to preventing cruelty to domestic animals

(mainly dogs, cats and horses) when they are in emergency situations as a result of their

owner's hardship caused by personal or natural disasters.

Our Company number is 134977334.We are registered as a charity and have deductible gift recipient status.

There has been lots of work going on behind the scenes for MDBA Pacers with much to get through.

As from the 1st of August 2010 membership to our Top Dog level of membership will be by invitation only. Those of you who are already there or who join before the 1st of August will be considered foundation members and not have to pay any further membership fees for as long as you want to remain members.

This is happening for several reasons. One is that soon we will be setting up MDBA Pacers groups all over the country.We already have around 10 getting ready to go. We have almost finished the administrative things we need to be sure that we have covered all of the bases. As a result, the Top dog membership will be drawn on for group leaders and various other roles and help. Another is that we need to be able to be as sure as we can that those people who we bring in to be in our most responsible positions locally and at state level are of good standing within their local communities. On the whole these people will be chosen from the basic level of membership or nominated by people who are already. Top Dog Members.There are more reasons which will become obvious soon.

So those becoming top dog members after the 1st of August 2010 will only become members by invitation and there will be a higher member fee and a yearly membership fee. Those already top dog members by the 1st of August will not need to pay yearly membership fees.

If anyone has been thinking about becoming a Top Dog Member you only have today to do so to gain these benefits.

Things you should know

The goal is to have thousands of locally based MDBA Pacers Clubs. All autonomous but working as a huge team.

These clubs will be helped to register as non- profit incorporated associations in their own states under the MDBA Pacers Charter.

These clubs will be chartered by MDBA Pacers with particular requirements written into their constitutions and by laws. These pertain to the use of the MDBA Pacers name and logos, support and resources but they also ensure that the club will operate as a charity with the same core values and operating bases as the Parent group. It also streamlines such things as insurance protocols and legal issues to ensure everyone is covered and protected.

One major requirement which should be noted is that clubs will be required to set up two bank accounts or to distinguish between deposits via their accounting process.

• Funds for administration and activities must be kept separate through book-keeping or two accounts

• Administration Account – These are funds from memberships fees, dues, fines, and internal funds and internal fundraising.

– Funds can be transferred from this account to the activities account

• Activities Account – These are funds raised from the public. These are funds which are raised where the public has a perception that these funds will be used for the sole benefit of the community

– The funds in the activities account cannot be used for administrative purposes.

– All money from the public goes back to the public

– 90 % of net income generated from local fundraising is to be used for local community needs.

– 10% of net income generated from local fundraising is deposited monthly with MDBA Pacers National Office to be used as a national disaster reserve fund for use for the wider Australian community where required in the case of a widespread natural disaster, for use in areas which as yet have not established a local community MDBA PACERS Club or where more funds than the local community currently hold are needed on a case by case basis to help your Club's local domestic animal owners in need. There is an election for an exemption for this if it is determined the particular club community is in a higher need phase. MDBA Pacers will not use this fund for any administrative expenses and 100% of these funds will held to be used for the public as the need arises.

So now you have this basic info and you can see more clearly what we have in mind the question is – Is anyone interested in giving it a go ? Even a little bit of involvement is good.

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If my health were better I would definitely help out.

I can sell raffle tickets etc so if I can help there please let me know

Colleen I think a group is definitely setting up in your area or at least your old area - not sure where you are now - so Im sure they will be able to use your help.

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