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Help With Breed Selection (formerly: Gsp Vs. English Pointer)


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What was so interesting to me about Hugo's appearance is that his ticking isn't really black, its almost blue... It looks really nice.

Thats cool to hear about your Whippet Robbi - He's definitely a nice looking dog. Have you got any more pics of him?

Hehehe Sammy, as much as I like the idea, theres no dogs allowed on people beds in this house. Dogs have their own bed and I have mine. We've come to an understanding that I dont get on Honey's bed (if I try she starts stretching out and licking me till I get off :laugh:) and she doesnt get on mine (my way of getting her off is a little less romantic - it involves a "Hey, what do you think you're doing up here?! Get down!" usually coupled with a gentle push :laugh: No licking on this end im afraid.

I would however like to spend some time with a Pointer if anyone who has one would let us come play or go to a park where we can meet! We had lots of fun going to fiveplusone's house and playing with Hugo, thats for sure! :confused:

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What was so interesting to me about Hugo's appearance is that his ticking isn't really black, its almost blue... It looks really nice.

Thats cool to hear about your Whippet Robbi - He's definitely a nice looking dog. Have you got any more pics of him?

Hehehe Sammy, as much as I like the idea, theres no dogs allowed on people beds in this house. Dogs have their own bed and I have mine. We've come to an understanding that I dont get on Honey's bed (if I try she starts stretching out and licking me till I get off :laugh: ) and she doesnt get on mine (my way of getting her off is a little less romantic - it involves a "Hey, what do you think you're doing up here?! Get down!" usually coupled with a gentle push :rofl: No licking on this end im afraid.

I would however like to spend some time with a Pointer if anyone who has one would let us come play or go to a park where we can meet! We had lots of fun going to fiveplusone's house and playing with Hugo, thats for sure! :laugh:

Maybe you should head to melbourne the weekend this http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=202025 is on to suss out breeds visit the family you mentioned in your OP! :eat: (I think they do their meets every month)

You could meet some pointers and some lappies!!!! Plus lots of other DOL doggies! :confused:

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The main reason that I consider the need to not need too much grooming is because I plan on moving back to melbourne eventually, which will mean that they will spend a lot of time in a muddy old dam. Having a big white fluffy dog thats covered in muddy water every week is not a real good combo (especially since I've read that dogs shouldn't be washed that often and can develop skin issues(?)).

The very fact that the dog will be spending a lot of time in a dam is what tells me that you should probably steer away from a lappie (or other long coated breed). Not that they wouldn't love that, but the problem with a double coat is that you will need to dry the dog thoroughly every time it gets wet to prevent hot spots... Drying a lappie with a dog blower takes about 15-20 minutes minimum. With a human hair dryer, you could be there for over an hour! That's a fair commitment, considering one of your criteria is low maintenance coat care.

Hmm.... Well, you've certainly planted a seed of thought. And they're fine in the heat? Adelaide gets pretty damn hot, and theres a good chance that they wont be inside an airconditioned room when we're at work (im not working at the moment, but obviously that can't last forever). I mean, they'll have shade (we have a huge carport behind the gate) and a kennel, and probably some huge iceblocks with treats in em, but with all that fur... they dont overheat? I know that the double coat is said to insulate from both extremes, but my brain cant get around it. It'd be like wearing a woolen jacket when its 35º.

They are fine in the heat provided they get shade. I find my adult lappie copes better in the heat than my Keeshond, even though she's mostly black. Remember that ANY dog is going to get hot in 35+ degrees!! They are sensible though - they'll just find a shady spot and sleep the day away and become more active at night.

One analogy that might help you get around the double coat - think about people in the middle eastern desert where the temps are in excess of what we have here. They aren't running around in t-shirts and shorts - they wear long garments that helps to insulate from the heat.

lappiemum how much grooming does a full coated lappie need and how often?

I'm not lappiemum, but seeing as I'm here...

Surprisingly their coats are very low maintenance. 10-15 minutes per week with a pin brush is sufficient. I have left my bitch for a couple of months (as an experiment) without a groom and she had no mats and didn't even look like she'd been neglected in the grooming department!

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