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Gus Has A Brown Mark On His Canine Tooth.


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Young Gus is barely 6 months old and I have noticed a small brown mark on one of his upper canines. Abit of a rub and gentle scratch with my fingernail prooved to me it wasn't coming off so I was wondering what it could be!

He has a good diet of advance puppy and chicken frames mostly and no rubbishy food at all. His tooth is basically brand new so I can't imagine it could be decay. Its approximatley in the middle of the length of his canine and very small but still, I'm alittle concerned. Obviously we are off to the vets on Saturday to get it checked out but I would love to hear of any suggestions as to what it could be!

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Hi Tez, Ive never heard of anything like that in a young dog. The last time the vet checked my lots teeth, Cooper has the beginning of gingivitis but the vet said that is common. Even with him eating lots of bones and now I brush his teeth it is still there. I do worry.

Maybe he has like some kind of a fault in the tooth, is the other one ok? Would it be visible in a photo do you think? Maybe you could post a pic.

He can join me at the moment I am going into my 6th day with an abscess in my front tooth and even now after two days of antibiotics there is still no relief, arghhhh.

Do you think the tooth is causing gus any discomfort??

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OMG!!!! Tlc you poor thing! You must be in a world of pain! I has an abcess with one of my teeth. Best thing ever was when they whipped the nerve out with a root canel and no more pain! How long before they can treat the tooth???

Back to Gus...no not bothering him at all. Its not on the gum line or anything. Basically right in the middle of the length and looks like a tiny brown mark. Feels alttle rough so I'm wondering whether he injured it during play with Jane and chipped it abit and then the chip has discoloured but really not sure. Its in the same side as the scape on his lip when he face planted into the blue stone step but I'm pretty sure it was there before that little incident.

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open and shut his jaw while you pull the lips back ... are you sure a bottom tooth is not rubbing in that spot? Two of my dogs have rubbing teeth and they leave spots like that. Neither of them have any problems with it.

Edited by Nekhbet
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Interesting Nekhbet...so you think the bottom fang is rubbing on the top one? Could be...he's asleep at the moment so will check it out tomorrow. If thats the case, wouldn't the continual rubbing have an eventual impact on the integrity of the tooth enamel on both teeth? In which case...what to do???

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could very well be. My dogue has the canine on one side rubbed almost in half, the vet has seen it and the tooth has slowly been building a protective layer over the years to ensure the sensitive parts are not exposed. The other side of his mouth is not as bad but have rubbed as well.

THe rottweiler has his bottom canines just rub the front of the top ones and make a slight stain to the front of the teeth, again no probes there. If it's not severe or causing pain then I wouldnt worry about it.

ETA what to do depends. You can go bananas and get doggy braces to straighten the teeth if they're severe problems, do nothing if its just a bit of rubbing and the tooth is coping, or if it is causing problems remove a tooth. EIther way dogs cope fine.

Edited by Nekhbet
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Well Gus went to the vets today. Annemarie the vet checked out his teeth and found another tooth on the other side (but not his canine) with the same problem. she thinks the enamel has chipped through some sort of trauma. He does like to chew on the wooden furniture outside but it is very soft wood so who knows! Funnily enough, he has the most gentle mouth so of all dogs, I'm surprised he has the problem!

Anyway she is not sure what to do about it so will contact a dental vet in Melbourne next week and have a chat to them. Just recommended he have his teeth cleaned daily at this stage to stop any decay, supplied me with a toothbrush and ordered some toothpaste which will come in this week. all for the grand total of....no charge! Gotta love country vets! They didn't charge me for having my chook PTS either god love em!

So...I would love to know if there is some sort of sealant that could be applied to these areas. Gus is only 6 months old and I intend to have him and his teeth for many many years if possible!

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