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Who Would Look After Your Dogs?


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And that's it. Our parents are in nursing homes. Our other family members have dogs and wouldn't ask them anyway. Moo is DA so she can't live with other dogs. So it's a problem should anything happen to both of us.

I hope I'm not jinxing us :laugh:

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I know BFR had a situation where a man in his 30s died (not sure how but some kind of accident). His 2 rotties (very well looked after and loved and not old) ended up in the pound (again I'm not sure how) and BFR was helping the family by finding a foster carer for them so the father and son dogs could come out of the pound, stay together and be rehomed together. They searched far and wide for a suitable carer. The dogs went to them but the family still decided the dogs should be pts. I didn't hear the full story behind that decision but I think it was linked to how the dogs would cope without their devoted owner. And the family were obviously grieving and not thinking how resiliant dogs can be. It was very sad for all involved.

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There is always a good story to justify what they are doing and the very sad thing is that they aren't doing it to be rotten they actually believe it.

Pacers has some which have come to us because their owners have had to go into nursing homes. We send stories and photos every 2 weeks to let the people know their animals are safe and well

and allow them to still feel they are in at least a small way still connected and able to make small decisions on what they think is best for them. Ive told my kids if they put me in a home where I cant have my dogs Ill come back and haunt them. :laugh:

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Julie, if something happened to me, i think my family would find it hard to carry out my wish's - is that something you would do?

If i put in my will they are to go to you, would you follow through with what I want?

Both my dogs have aggression issues and I would never want them rehomed because of this.

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If we both are gone, Brembo would go to one or the other of two of our close friends. Both have stated they would take him now given half a chance. If Brembo is not coping without me after a period of time, they have permission to PTS.

Sierra would go to Ams with the option of either rehoming or PTS if she felt she warrented it.

If one of us passes the other gets the dogs. If we seperate I keep Brembo, OH gets Sierra on the previso that she copes without Brembo. If she frets too much she is to be returned to me and I will retain full custody of both with OH having weekend visits if he wishes.

OH knows that Brembo is to stay with me no matter what - he is very attached to me. He would survive quite happily without Sierra or OH!

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If I died, Amber and the cats would stay with OH and my kids. They love and care for them as much as I do.

If there were any problems with that scenario though (ie they weren't coping or we all died) I know my mum would take them on OR Amber would possibly go back to her breeder (must have that little chat I guess :laugh: ) and mum would take on the cats. The most likely outcome would be that my family would take them on and there is kind of an unspoken agreement between my mum and two sisters that we would take on any of the other's animals if needed. We really should sit down though and discuss it and hubby and I really need to sort wills out as we have two minor children too. I

know we would all muddle through and no child or animal would become 'homeless' :vomit:

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Friends of mine made me deal with this last year. They were doing their wills and asked me if I'd have their staffy Molly. I said - what about your kids - they said no you're the only person we would trust with her - I really felt honoured. It got me thinking about Edward though. My parents live in a unit for retired folks with a handkerchief back yard and no grass - Edward's a big dog. And he jumps the fence at my sisters. Anyway I have it in my will now - with money to help look after Edward - that he goes to Molly's mum and dad - sort of a reciprocal arrangement I guess.

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OH would keep the boys, the girls would need to go to a friend. Hmmm, I really should think about who that would be :vomit:

That would be me...or I would be hunting you to the depths of hell. :laugh:

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Close friends of ours would take the doglet (and we would take theirs). If they decided not to keep her for whatever reason, my mother or brother would care for her. All of this is in my will (with financial provisions) and more instructions should all of the aforementioned care options be unavailable. My mother will not live on the station forever so I have to remember to update if she moves to an unsuitable residence.

I have also specified what is to happen in case of temporary or permanent incapacity

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I couldn't give my dogs to anyone in my family even if they would offer. However I have an aunt I love dearly who will take my two.

And I am to take hers. Hope it never happens. But this also raised some questions as I think her boy dog would be happier with her sister. He is a lounge lizard and pretty spoilt. I always tend to push him a bit.

And I know my boy dog is not that appealing to my aunt. I told her if she found a better home for him that would be OK.

I am good friends with an old man I met in the dog park. Walked together for years. He loves my boy so that is an option. And I had this conversation with him too as he doesn't have contact with his family. But I bet if he died his family would take his considerable belongings and turf the dog. I advised him to somehow find a way his money would ensure the dog is cared for. Hire someone to care for the dog in his home or something?

But unless another couple from the park step up I can see myself getting his dog.

The story Steve told about the man whose dog was destroyed before he died - how heartless can people be?

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My mother will take him. If she cannot or will not keep him long term then she has been firmly instructed to work with his breeder to rehome him. But I know that, while that is happening (if need be), he will be loved and cared for in the meantime.

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Mine is in my will and I have a willing taker and a back up plan just in case. We also have a plan for dad's dog.

Of more concern for me is if both my sisters and Oh's got hit by a meteorite I would suddenly become a mother to 6 children on 2 continents :)

I think I would rather have 6 dogs than 6 children, but at the end of the day you do what is necessary :)

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I've never given this topic much thought, but OH would keep the dogs if I died. If we both died then I'd think Callista would go back to her breeder or I'll nominate a rescue to rehome her. Griffin would be PTS, he is DA and has cronic renal failure so it would be the best option for him.

None of my family would provide care to the dogs to my standard, so I wouldn't consider asking them.

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If something terrible and very serious were to happen to me;

Millie would go back to her breeder as she is co-owned.

Jack would go to one of my best mates, who steals Jack away for camping trips etc.

Alice would go back to her breeder if she wanted her, otherwise maybe Milile's breeder would like her.

The cat is passed her date anyway, so would be pts.

ETA: Any pups I breed; should their owners become disabled, ill or pass away, I would hope to be offered the dog back.

Edited by Parkeyre
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Julie, if something happened to me, i think my family would find it hard to carry out my wish's - is that something you would do?

If i put in my will they are to go to you, would you follow through with what I want?

Both my dogs have aggression issues and I would never want them rehomed because of this.

If we are given charge of ensuring your wishes are complied with then thats what we do. 100% no matter what.

Its not just your will or what happens if you die which you need to consider.

Here's another one. Elderly lady. Her dog which she has had for around 5 years - a Kelpie has jumped up on her ,knocked her over and broke her leg.

We get a call from her neighbour asking us how he can organise for someone to take the dog away and find it a new home. I explained that our goal is to do all we can to keep owner and dog together , not whisk them off to the pound while their owners are in surgery and even if we wanted to we have to get the owner to sign off on that - we cant just take the word of a neighbour.

Her adult son arrived home the next day - he hadnt seen his Mum for 2 years. He was keen to move the dog out too. The dog was placed in a boarding kennel and we paid the bill.I spoke with the lady and she was off the air about her dog even being discussed this way. We worked with the son and got an agreement that if we could get training for the dog and the owner that he would go with his Mum keeping the dog.

You can not imagine the trouble we had in getting a trainer to agree to train the dog even though we were paying the bill. One local rescue group told me I should wake up to myself and that the only thing they would do to help - they wouldn't even point me toward a trainer in the area- was to accept the dog as a surrender because they didn't agree an woman of her age should have such a high energy dog. the owner said it was a once off and the dog was a lounge lizard and had been her only companion since she got it.

End of story is the dog was kept at the kennel and the dog and owner had some training lessons all paid for by Pacers and the owner and the dog are back to being on their own - together living happily ever after.

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