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Seasons - What To Look For?


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My Dane had her first season a few months ago. I put the date in my phone - and then accidentally killed my phone. I want to book her in for desexing but about 3 weeks ago, her vulva seemed a bit swollen so I put it off. It has stayed swollen but hasn't progressed to a season. It is nowhere near as swollen as when she was in season. Is she possibly coming into season? I think her first season was about 3 months ago so I'm thinking not, but I don't want to open her up and find she is in. Are there any other signs that a dog is coming into season?

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One of the obvious signs they are coming into season is a coat drop. If your girl was in 3 months ago then it is unlikey that she is coming in again so quickly. Having said that some bitches will cycle every 4 months, but most of them are at 6 monthly cycles.

Edited by Stolzseinrotts
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Thanks for the replies. :laugh:

becks, its possible. She is a very timid dog and sits down when you approach, so I don't often get a good look at her rear end! LOL!

Stolz, she has hardly any coat already and I haven't noticed any drop. :eek:

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In season or not in another week or so you can book her in, as it will be over anyway.

Silent or full season is possible if the first season was a short, not full on season.

If she is not humping, flagging when you run your hand down her back to her tail or attracting dogs its not likely.

When I had short coated dogs I never noticed any coat change at all with any of them.

Best thing to do is ask the vets advice if you are still unsure in a week.

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