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Post-op Meals?


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My foster Dally was desexed today and has recovered pretty well from the anaesthetic. She is a bit 'proppy' but I suspect that is due to pain rather than the drugs. I just gave her a small meal and she threw it all back up. I know dogs can vomit after surgery, but should I try and feed her again later? Wait until tomorrow? I always worry about blood sugar levels after fasting. There was also a whole empty Whiskas sachet in her vomit :rainbowbridge: so the puke may have been due to that rather than the anaesthetic? Suggestions appreciated please!!

Oh and we got her just in time. No external signs, but she was definitely coming into season judging by her uterus. :laugh:

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When one of mine had an op she didn't want to eat that night i just gave her a little drink and she was ok in the morning and scoffed her tea. I bet she will feel better after a big sleep and no whiskas container in her belly dals will eat anything wont they :rainbowbridge: Hugs to tilly when i read she was done in time i was thinking the next words were going to be that she was pregnant....

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No, definitely not pregnant. :laugh: She is an absolute guts and eats her food like nothing else... But tonight she just nibbled at it - ate maybe 3 tablespoons? - and then threw it all back up. She is feeling very sore and sorry for herself. :rainbowbridge:

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