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Dogicide = what you contemplate when....

It is peeing down with rain and one dog walks downstairs 5 times in half an hour, obviously needing to go outside to toilet.

Each time, you walk down two flights of stairs, open laundry door (with the doggy door which both dogs refuse to use :cry:)...dog looks out, sees it's raining and runs back upstairs.

One the 6th attempt, you thrust dog outside and shut the door....then tentatively open it, hoping dog has gone down to the grass to pee/poo or whatever. Dog is standing there...wet and forlorn and bolts inside.

Dry dog.

Go back upstairs.

Dog yet again goes downstairs. Again you manhandle dog outside...muttering 'It's only bloody rain, you are not going to melt/drown/die!' Shut door again and wait.

Eureka....open door and dog is not there. Dog is peeing on the grass! :rainbowbridge:

Dog finishes peeing and bolts back inside.

Dry dog...again.

Return to cold cup of coffee...contemplate committing 'dogicide' if said scaredy cat dog wants to go outside again in the next hour. :laugh:

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Mine holds when it's raining. Or stands on the veranda on pees of the side.

Though he has developed an annoying habit of racing to the back door, pawing at it like he's desperate. Then when I get up to open it he bolts back to the laundry door and sits there expectantly with his "since you're up can I have a biscuit?" look. Ummm no! Yet I still fell for it 3 times in 10 mins the other night :rainbowbridge:

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We have to trick Dory to go out when it's not raining, let alone when it is raining. Sooky little bugger hates to be away from us. You know the trick...you act like your going outside and when she barges past you quickly slam the door. Well, she's onto that one now, so now we have to go out with her wait for her to dash over to the otherside of the yard and then quickly run back inside and shut the door on her. A couple of times we have had to lift her up and actually shove her out the door. I am stumped as to HOW she can hold on for so long.

We are lucky, new house has big covered veranda so she can still pee when it's wet. Downside...she has chosen to poop under the washing line when it's wet! ARGH.

Ironically....if we leave the back door open when we are home...she will willingly mosey on out and sit in the sun for quite some time. Unasked. Not coerced or bribed. Not forced. Willingly! But then we got a kitten and now we can't do that anymore for fear the little Poo knicks off out there with her.

So we are back to booting her out.

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lol they know how to test you don't they :cry: Daisy only pees quickly when it's raining.....usually she'll spend ages sniffing around for the PERFECT spot :rainbowbridge:

What is with that!!!!!????? How does one spot 10cms to the right or left, or the other side of the yard altogether, make any difference to the excretion of bodily waste, I ask you!??? :cry:

Of late we have taken to pooping and peeing on the pavement, even when it is not raining! :laugh: I kinda figure as long it isn't inside my house....

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:rainbowbridge::laugh: sorry but can't help it. When its really wet I say to mine out for piddles & they all stand, stop at the door & look up at me as if to say Are you crazy, in this.

Annoying when they are yakking for in & out several times, mine just did this, its raining a lot.

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I'm trying to toilet train my foster atm; just about yell the neighborhood down with excitement whenever she pees on the grass lol.

My previous girl flat out refused to walk or pee on wet grass. She could hold on for days in preference to walking on wet ground... We would pick her up and place her on the grass whereupon her ears would flatten against her head, tail between legs, fix her beseeching eyes on us and then would whimper quietly until we gave up and brought her back inside, all three of us soaked to the bone on many occasions.... sigh!

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Still laughing at all these posts...I have to CARRY mine outside to a the concrete floored garage if it's raining, I do cut them a bit of slack due th their age but still...... Reminds me of a story I read by American humourist Dave Barry who is obviously a dog lover, he has two dogs and a screened in porch, when he removed all the screening but not the door one of his dogs would still sit expectantly in front of the door waiting for it to be opened. If he didn't open it she would pee on the floor and despite his best efforts never cottoned on that she could just walk around the door!

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Three words: leash, umbrella, treats.

Three better words "toilet on command". Makes life so much easier.

:confused: Indeed.

"leash + umbrella (when needed) + treats" when they are babies leads to "toilet on command" for the rest of their lives. One of the best things you can teach your puppy.

Works great when the weather is bad, or you want to go to bed, or you are traveling, or need them to go pee or poo before going ringside at a dog show, or are staying in a hotel, or need them to get their business done so you can go out etc...

In general, just makes life so much easier.

And yes, I have rain hating dogs (weims) so I know what it's like. But just like the commands "sit", "stay" and "come" are complied with rain or shine (albeit reluctantly at times if it is pouring), so too, can the command "go pee".


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:confused: omg the lengths pple go to,

when raz was a baby and it was raining, I used to have to go stand in the rain with him, then it progressed to i could stand in the patio and he would run out, now if its light rain he will go out on his own, if its bucketing, he waits for the light rain, when its a constant heavy i still have to go stand in the patio and wait with him till he gets the courage to run out in it to pee lol. but he jumps from undercover to next undercover lol, he copies us when we have to run outside

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I have three oldsters, none of them like the rain, although one has stood in the rain for periods of time. But he usually has that' why am I here' look that comes with old dogs.

They just wait for it to stop, I just leave the door open.

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Mine don't like having to go into the rain to toilet but if I pick up the lead for a walk they rush to the door and will happily spend the next hour or so playing in the rain and puddles

My boy is exactly the same! I have to go outside with him when it is raining and tell him to go, which he will eventually do but looks at me like I am the meanest cow!

But if it's raining and it is time for his walk, well no problems there! He will happily go out.

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It's been bitterly cold here...& Annie has had a bout of colitis where she needed to be taken to the toilet every couple of hours. I usually just have to to say 'Toilet, ladies!" & the 2 tibs run down into the back garden, do their business & run back upstairs again.

Went reasonably well until the last trip to the toot at 11-30 pm. Freezing cold outside. I said the usual 'Toilet, ladies!'. This time, Annie just keeled over backwards, like a dog trained to play dead. Her message was clearly, 'Corpses don't need the toilet!' I had to carry her fat little self out into the night.

When we had 3 dogs & 3 cats, I used to keep a huge pile of towels at the back door, for rainy weather. When the 6 of them would arrive back upstairs, there'd be 24 feet to wipe dry.

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