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Car Sickness


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Hi everyone again. I have taken my dog (12mths) out in the car again today. She was salivating from the mouth a lot. Blanket was soaked. After we stopped she threw up. She did this on her first trip when I took her in the car (yesterday as well. We have only had her for 3days now. Does anyone know what could be the problem with her and what can I do for her?

Much appreciated ,Bonnie22

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A few threads ago, someone suggested giving a ginger nut biscuit to the pooch about 10 - 15 minutes before getting in the car. Also, booster seats are supposed to help keep them still through the inersia of the moving vehicle. Open the window enough to let some air circulate.

Poor thing, I get motion sick bad, so I empathise with the little mite.

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My mini schnauzer does the same thing.

For Momo, the following works:

If the chair cushion is slanted backwards, make it flat by laying newspaper. It provide a larger surface for her to balance herself when you turn around the corners / stop at lights.

If she is still tiny and can't see anything outside, pile more newspaper so that she get to see whats going on. I tried to blind my eyes while my mum drive around, it is not fun at all.

Make sure the doggie seatbelt on ! :laugh:

You probably have read this somewhere before but it does work ! :o

Start with getting in and out of the car and give lots of praises when she get in - Until she do not look nervous

2 - 3 mins of really slow driving around the block then lots of play when she is out of the car

Slowly lengthen the time and again, lots of play after the "trip"

I have also tried "Travel Calm Ginger" by Blackmore but it did not work for Momo unfortunately. :/

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You can now get specific medication from the vet for travel sickness.

This is NEW as you couldn't get anything for it before and the vet just told me about it because he knows I have a Dobe boy that has suffered from travel sickness for years!!!

We actually got around the problems by putting a HUGE wire crate in the back of our utility and transporting him in that.

He was much better with the wind in his face LOL!!

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Ginger is a stomach settler as well as good for headachs. Works with humans and animals.

Ginger biscuits need to contain ginger and not just a flavouring. Can be best to buy some basic ginger jubes (not chocolate covered).

I buy a ginger root from the supermarket and grate it - you can also add to dogs food or make a ginger cookie - there are plenty of receipes online - dogs love them and they are easy to make. 3-4 cookies before and a few more during the trip.

The back of the stationwagon gets the most sway and can give dog a rockier ride.

As you have only had dog for a few days it may be the dog associates the car with stress situations.

Signs of this will be that the dog might be resisting/reluctant to get in car on their own, starts to salivate before the car even moves. If this is the case there is some work needed. Try putting the dog in the car just parked in the drive, feeding a few treats and then leave there for 10-15 minutes and then let dog out. Do this everyday for perhaps a week. The objective is to make the dog happy to be sitting in the car, then try very short trips - Just around the block for 5 minutes and then home and release dog. Build the dogs confidence and enjoyment of the car.

Best of luck

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I only had to walk my puppy past the dog van and she tries to drag me away she is 8 months now and still dislikes the car but has been better recently. A friend told me to give her a peppermint lolly 20 minutes before travel and I think that has help her as she has not vomited in the car for a few trips. Don't know if it is the peppermint or she has just grown out it. Another friend has a dog that also suffered from car sickness, her dog always traveled in the back of her station wagon dog so she thought she would try her on the back seat and she has never been car sick since.

Trial and error I think. GOOD LUCK.

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My girl had the same problem when she was younger, she would drool soooo much and get sick. I was told by her trainer to start feeding her in the car and then once she was happy to eat in the car then just turn the car on and allow her to eat while it was on.

I never drove around with her eating but just got her comfortable with the car and sounds and I have never had a problem since, She looooooves the car now ;)

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Junket tablets are now available again on the market. I would suggest you give your puppy one a half hour before going in the car and I can guarantee you your puppy will not be sick ;) My old girl suffered horribly from car sickness, I could not drive more than 100 meters without her salivating and then throwing up. My old vet told me to give her a JUNKET TABLET I did and from that moment on I always had them in my cupboard for her. :(:) Trust me on this one


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My dog doesn't salivate, she just looks really really sad, then looks like shes smiling, then throws up.

I find talking to her seems to hold it off for a bit??

It's mainly the twisty streets that get her, once we're on a long stretch its not so bad as she just lies down on teh back seat.

It also only happens badly in one of my cars - the other isn't as bad??

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Junket tablets are now available again on the market. I would suggest you give your puppy one a half hour before going in the car and I can guarantee you your puppy will not be sick :cry: My old girl suffered horribly from car sickness, I could not drive more than 100 meters without her salivating and then throwing up. My old vet told me to give her a JUNKET TABLET I did and from that moment on I always had them in my cupboard for her. :mad:( Trust me on this one


Have to agree with you on that, we once had a bitch who suffered horribly with car sickness. We too were advised to give her a junket tablet 1/2 hr prior to travelling and she was perfect. No vomits at all :)

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