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Suggestions For Itchy Doggie


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Hi Guys, just looking for a home remedy for an itchy dog, A friend just rang me and asked me what she could put on her dogs skin as he is itchy like crazy, she gave him a brush and he has like flaky dandruff coming off. I suggested aloveen just a little to rub in but it is too late to get any now and I don't have any to lend her. So just wondering if she could use something in the mean time. I just didn't know what to suggest. She doesnt want to bath him now its too late and its cold here and he sleeps outside.

Thanks for any ideas I can pass on.

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Do you have any Calendula tea? It's pretty mild stuff. You can pick it up from a health food store. Brew it up, let it cool, wipe it or pour it over the itchies. It calmes down my little allergic staffy's skin - it's not instant but definitly helps. It was a god send for us as we worked through what was causing the problem and it's taken us eight months to figure it out - sardines and lamb in his food and couch and kykuyu grass.

Never heard of any pooches having an adverse reaction to it but of course your results may vary.

Edited by Polgara's Shadow
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Thanks Guys, dog is terrier mix, around 14 years old, still a spritley little fella. Not sure if he has had previous issues. Owner was just after a quick fix for tonight to alleviate the itching. I'll pass on the info about the tea.

Thanks again

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