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Would You Use A Stud Dog Owned By A Byb/puppy Farmer.

Bilbo Baggins

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Nope. If they were BYBer then it's unlikely they'd be financial with a CC and besides that, I'm a firm believer in choosing stud dogs that are in loving homes and are owned by people with ethics that aren't in the gutter.

I wouldn;t buy a pup from them, so I certainly wouldn;t hand over $$ and support their activities with a stud fee.

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I wouldn;t buy a pup from them, so I certainly wouldn;t hand over $$ and support their activities with a stud fee.


Even if he was perfection personified, I would rather get similar lines and work back up.


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who's definition is it that they are BYB'ers and what if that dog is the best available for the bitch? How old is the dog? Is there any way to breed back, are there siblings or off spring available, owned by supposedly more ethical people?

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In a word NO....reason....doing so and paying a stud fee feeds what the BYB or puppy farmer wants, and that's money.

I would find another male..there isn't a male out there that I could justify using under this sort of circumstance.

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If you saw advertised that this dog was available would you use it.????

Yes, but only for my ASD/KD. Why? because a lot of ASD/KD byb are unregistered for cultural/language reasons.

The Australian byb have shiite dogs but some migrant bybs have very nice dogs and the reasons why they are byb are different to the average farmer who wants to have an ASD/KD litter to help pay for the dog's upkeep.

A sound, upstanding ASD/KD that's the total package + unique bloodline

well why would I breed with a lesser quality male just because the owner is a registered breeder/owner? what's the point if I know the resulting puppies wont be half as good as the byb turkish dog?

As long as the dog's pedigree is registerable and the byb owner knows his dogs and what he's doing, then yes I would use the stud dog if it was the best dog for my bitch.

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Interesting thoughts there lili.

A person can be registred with KC do tests and not show or show occasionally. Does that make them a BYB??

I did not show for number of years due to child commitments. Continued to breed to continue my lines. I know that there are some very well conformed pets dogs out there.

Does that make me a BYB????

I do not think so.

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Yeah but the way it's written it could mean two names for the same thing (the way I took it), or two different things.

So, my first answer is for puppy farmers.


- Where BYB means unregistered person and/or unregistered dog: no

- Where BYB means registered but lacking ethics: no

- Where BYB means registered but doesn't show: yes

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What if its a free service and nothing in return.

From a puppy farmer? No - Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas!

Anyone who's ethics I felt were too low I couldn't deal with - I couldn't trust anything they say and I think that's a very important part of working with other breeders.

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If owned by somebody who I considered a puppy farmer than the answer would be no. I only wish to use dogs owned by people who I believe are doing the right thing by the breed and not breeding for the sake of it and who are ethical in their behaviour and dealings.

Edited by Stolzseinrotts
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No definitely no.

Why in the first place are they advertising him for stud in the newspaper anyway, for money. How would you know that these people are a member of a Canine Control, there would have to be a lot of checking up and an inspection of their property and definitely proof of membership of a CC. eg current membership card pedigree transferred into the current owners name, to me it is all too hard, go to a well known breeder who has compatable lines to your own dogs.

I only deal with ethical registered breeders, that does not mean that the dog that I would be interested in has to be out at the shows every weekend, he would have bloodlines that are compatable with mine.

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why would you want to inspect the property of someone whos dog you may use at stud?

i'm finding this an interesting thread to read when in the past there have been threads saying people would ask their worst enemy if their stud dog was available if he was the best choice for their bitch

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