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Which Slr Should I Buy?


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I am looking to buy an SLR. I have had for the past 5 years a Kodak EasyShare Z740, for about 15 years before that I had a Ricoh KR-5 SuperII, the old Ricoh was completely manual and film of course, I do miss the fact that I could have more control over the photos the I took. I am thinking of buying a Canon EOS 550D, I will have my SLR back and manual controls but still have the ability to just use it as a point and shoot also. I have been told that Nikon is a great camera, but am leaning towards the Canon as I have seen a lot of pics take by people of dogs etc that use Canon and have been really impressed.

I will be mainly using the camera for dogs and kids. Also I am planning on doing a photography course at TAFE, so don't mind having something that is quite advanced and that has features on it, would like to do some amateur photography. Any info would be great!!

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Hopefully you get some helpful responses Tibbiemax :thumbsup:

I think most of the dol photographers lean towards Cannons. Those who own them seem happy enough with them going by all the camera threads on here :love:

My DH and I prefer Nikons. It just comes down to personal preferences, and which ones feel most comfortable for you to handle.

Both brands are really good and ideal for what you want to do.

All the best with whatever camera you get, and with the photography course ! :)

PS.. We also own a fuji on a nikon body which is very good too in it's own way.

Edited by Jules♥Cavs
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Hey there Tibbiemaz. I got the 450D and Twin Lens Kit in March. WhileI lack a little confidence in playing with the settings I am loving it. I have enrolled in a course. It was a great price and while I would have loved better lenses these are great for what I am doing at the moment.

I already have a wish list for things I would like its very addictive.

I love the photos posted here and lots of the Dolers have Facebook pages with amazing photos

You will have to let us know what you get

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I bought a canon 450D a few months ago, still learning to drive it correctly but so far have found it very user friendly. I start a course in a couple of weeks so that will help, i hope :thumbsup:

I did seriously consider the Nikon and the Sony was recommended to me as well but after having a play around with all 3 brands i felt the canon was the easiest for me to understand, I got a really good deal so i went with that. I haven't been disappointed yet.

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The 550D is a very nice camera.

You can't go too wrong with any of the offerings from Canon or Nikon. Be aware of the limitations of some of the Nikon bodies - some require that you buy lenses with autofocus motors and these lenses are more expensive. Canon cameras do not have any models where that is an issue. All xxxD and xxD models can use any lens in the Canon range and a huge range of 3rd party lenses (Tokina, Sigma etc).

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Canons and Nikons are both good, although I learnt on an old Pentax. All I can suggest is go into a shop, ask to hold them and decide what feels better in your hands. The Nikon felt better to me, because the dials were in a similar place to the Pentax - the dials on the Canon felt a bit weird to me. It's really about personal preference.

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I love my Nikon D5000, the only thing to keep in mind is that with this particular model there's no AutoFocus motor in it, so you need to buy lenses that have a built in autofocus motor! This is something I learnt the hard way! But the Nikon felt better in my hands, more sturdy somehow, and now that I have grasped the concepts of ISO / aperture / shutter speed I am cruising along! I find it a good camera to learn on.

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I have a Sony A700, just a suggestion my local Teds camera house let me take home three different DSLR cameras for two weeks each to have a play with them.

I took home a canon then Pentax then the sony,I ended up with the Sony A350 and have now upgraded to the A700.

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Thanks heaps for the replys guys!! I went into Harvey Norman today, they had the Canon 550D it had the two lenses, 18 - 55 mm and 55 - 250 mm, the guy said that the 550D comes with a 18 - 135 mm also, he said this is a much more superior lens, the price of the first with the twin lense is $1685 and for the second with the one lense is $2100, not sure if there is a huge difference in the lenses or if he is just trying to get more money out of me, being its Harvey Norman and all. I will go the camera shop next time I am in town and see what price they have on it to.

Went to Joyce Mayne also, the guy there was totally useless, said he thought they might be getting those cameras in but had no idea how much they were going to be and that he wouldn't be able to find out for me :happydance2:

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  Firestone said:
Hey there Tibbiemaz. I got the 450D and Twin Lens Kit in March. WhileI lack a little confidence in playing with the settings I am loving it. I have enrolled in a course. It was a great price and while I would have loved better lenses these are great for what I am doing at the moment.

I already have a wish list for things I would like its very addictive.

I love the photos posted here and lots of the Dolers have Facebook pages with amazing photos

You will have to let us know what you get

What were the lenses you got with yours Firestone?? Maybe I would be better off going with the single more expensive lense then?

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I love my 400D and have just got a 30D

the lenses that came with that are the 18-55 and the 75-300

I want to get the 400mm lens

If you can get to a Teds or a more specific camera place you are better off than the HN store - they have more idea at a camera specific shop :laugh:

Good luck with your search

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If you have not been already I would suggest talking to the people in camera shop near the corner of Dean and Olive St Tibbiemax sure it is the Camera House.They are helpful and if you buy from them willl always help afterwards with any queries . I did the rounds and found them the most helpful and got good deals. :laugh:

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Thanks for the info Flaves, I will go to our local camera shop today and see what they have to say. I saw some pics that someone on here took of their dog with the double lense pack and they were great, so dont really know what the HM fella was on about!

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  kja said:

OT segue -> did you all see the Sony ad this week? It was shot with a Canon 5DII ROFLMAO

no, is it on youtube, if so can you post a link?

To the original OP, there are lots of threads like yours here asking the same question. Have a look through and see what others are asking and then buying. Also look online for what you want, even if you then choose not to buy from an online seller it might give you more bargaining power. Someone mentioned Teds also have an online shop where they try to match online deals. Best of luck with your decision.

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The other option you now have if you want less bulk to carry around then an SLR is the new pen cameras with interchangable lenses, have a look at this link http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/SamsungNX10/ and http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/SamsungNX10/

If it does interest you then I would suggest comparing the price of the lenses of these to SLRs,

Edited by helen
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Tibbiemax I sent you a message. Here is the link to the thread here on dol that has the 450D and kit lens from Teds and they matched the online price or near it. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=201308

I got mine at Harvey Norman 450D body and Twin lens kit, extended warranty, two lens filters, a 4gb sandisk extreme memory card and a small bag and it $1398.00 back in March. We do not have the big camera warehouses here in Tassie. For us here in Northern Tassie its Harvey Norman or Stallards Camera House.

As I said I am loving it and learning lots, my confidence is growing as I learn more as well. I got so much helpful advice here on the DOL photo section

Edited by Firestone
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  Tibbiemax71 said:
Thanks heaps for the replys guys!! I went into Harvey Norman today, they had the Canon 550D it had the two lenses, 18 - 55 mm and 55 - 250 mm, the guy said that the 550D comes with a 18 - 135 mm also, he said this is a much more superior lens, the price of the first with the twin lense is $1685 and for the second with the one lense is $2100, not sure if there is a huge difference in the lenses or if he is just trying to get more money out of me, being its Harvey Norman and all. I will go the camera shop next time I am in town and see what price they have on it to.

Went to Joyce Mayne also, the guy there was totally useless, said he thought they might be getting those cameras in but had no idea how much they were going to be and that he wouldn't be able to find out for me :)

Be very wary of Harvey Norman, they are a rip off. You are in effect paying for their 'flexibility' because they offer Interest Free whether you buy it on that or not.

I am in the market for the 1000D with the twin lens kit. Dick Smith had it for $746, Good Guys $840, JB HiFi $860 and Retravision $850. Harvey Norman wanted $1199!!! :) When I pointed out and brought in catalogues to show that everyone else was a good $400 cheaper, they said they would price match but then added an extended 5 year warranty (which I didn't ask for) and a memory card (which I didn't ask for) all of which brought the price back up to $1150. Idiots :laugh:

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