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Recovery Time After Desexing

Rileys mum

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I used to like getting them done on a Friday so I could keep an eye on them over the weekend.

Young males bounce back very quickly! Just try to stop him licking the stitches and use a collar if necessary.

Try not to let him jump around too much for the first couple of days but honestly by the second day they are usually back to normal.

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I find the boys super easy. One of the boys was done around 2pm and I picked him up around 7pm, he was a little unsteady on his feet but fine, so just popped him in his crate when we got him home.

I generally leave them at the Vets overnight but I was pretty attached to this foster LOL

Our Vet does awesome work, even with such an active puppy the incesion area was beatiful and he never touched the area.

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Generally dogs go home the same day. All they need is somewhere quiet to rest as they may still be feeling the affects of the anaesthetic. Also make sure he doesnt chew at the sutures. if he does or licks excessively at them he will need an elizabethan collar.

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I took Moose home the same day and he was fine. Mind you he only had 1 stitch. :thumbsup:

The only issue we had was with a bit of licking but he only started doing this towards the end of the healing period (itchy perhaps?) and I just bucketed him when I wasn't around.

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Charlie recovered within 24 hours... but sooked it up for 10 days :thumbsup:

I don't think Emmy has realise she had an operation (she was just desexed last Friday).. she's so busy living her life, she doesn't realise she has stitches in at the moment.

Neither one of them licked their stitches.

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Miss Mini didn't seem to realise she had anything done and bounced back by the time we got home. The trouble was preventing her doing her mountain goat thing over the furniture. She whinged in her crate.

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Sarge done at 1yr old, bigger surgery than usual as he had both testes in his abdomen and a large incision. He was pretty sore and grumpy when he got home but got over the anesthetic pretty quickly. Then he got razor rash and the wound was fluidy and gross so we had a few vet trips during the first week. He was under constant watch just for 24 hours and then we just kept him quiet.

Ziva and Daina done at 7 months. They were hyper as if nothing had happened as soon as we picked them up :thumbsup: Then needed more watching than Sarge because they would try to jump and run around and do other crazy stuff.

Muddy done just recently at 1yr. He was pretty drowsy and sad until the next day and then developed really bad razor rash which was very uncomfortable for him but as soon as he got some anit inflam/pain killers he was back to normal. He has been really good and not needed constant supervision but we did watch closely for the first night and morning just because he was trying to get a few licks in but thankfully would stop as soon as we said to.

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Variable. My pups done at 10 to 12 weeks act like nothing has happened but a 2 year old I had done was in pain, only 2 stitches, & I got pain relief for him on day 2 when I realised. Another was fine.

Depends how the dog reacts to being knocked out too, even though its quick.

One thing is to not let them out anywhere that they can dirt into the small wound for a couple of days & keep warm.

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Genevieve was done at 16 weeks. I dropped her off in the morning and hubby picked her up that night. He phoned me at work to tell me "It's probably good that I was the one to pick her up. She looks like she is on smack!". As you can imagine, I was somewhat upset that my baby was so out of it!

My husband tells me she was asleep most of the evening, but when she heard me pull up in the drive way, she couldn't get to the front door fast enough!! Tail was wagging - where was this dog on smack OH was on about??!! He said "It's not fair, she doesn't love me, she only loves you". - Well, don't you want your Mum when you are sick?!! :laugh:

She was jumping around like a crazy thing the next morning, and nothing stopped her from getting to her food! We tried to prevent her from jumping around, but I gave up after a day. I figured if she hurt herself, she wouldn't do it again! Her wound remained clean and we had the stitches out about 10 days later. I think I expected it to be worse than it was.

Edited by Wizzle
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My wee girl was done at 6 months and ya wouldn't even know she'd had an op.

We took her home after being at the vet all day and they suggested she might need to go toilet as she had been refusing to go at the vet. Took her home and into the backyard where she did a wee and then proceeded to do bloody zoomies around the backyard!!! We tried hard for maybe 24 hours to keep er relatively quiet but it was impossible and in the end we left her to it figuring that if she wasn't up to racing round then she wouldnt be doing it.

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The dog should be back to normal the day after surgery. I have never had a dog or bitch stay overnight at the vets following a routine desexing. Try to keep him reasonably quiet for a couple of days and make sure that he doesn't chew at his stitches or lick them excessively, if he does use an elizabethan collar. It's a minor procedure in a male so don't stress.

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