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Flying Discs For Dogs


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My Whippet loves to play frisbee, he's a bit fussy about what we throw though! He's a bit of an addict and carries his old torn disc around like a treasure.

Our original Frisbee was light weight rubber, smaller than the usual, at about 7" across. It was very soft on his mouth. We have a small yard, so it's important that the "flying disc" can be thrown a short distance and still fly well, and that it hangs in the air nicely. The company that made the original that got him hooked still make flying discs with the same product code, but they are too heavy for our needs as they just don't stay in the air unless thrown a big distance and with force.

Please save me from having to take yet another rubbish flying disc back to the store......I know that someone has already found the perfect one!

PS I am really crap at throwing things, so it needs to be really easy to fly!

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Dusty is our resident frisbee freak and we play frisbee every day. And we've tried loads of them.

The best by far, and the only one I will buy now is the Kong Flyer. It's rubber so it's not hard on her teeth, but it's very strong so when her and Benson use it as a tuggy, it doesn't split or tear.

We use the red one, which doesn't float but I believe there is a similar one which does, if you wanted to use it around water. Our first one got lost at the beach when it was carried out by a wave, the second one got lost in our recent house move, but I'm sure it's in a box somewhere so I went and bought another one.

I have tried ones from toy shops, department stores, sports stores, other pet brands and nothing, absolutely nothing comes near the Kong for durability and flyability.

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I have an aussie dog disc (LINK) that I won in a lucky dip thing at the Dogs SA open day a couple of years ago! Best $2 I ever spent! :laugh: It's the soft rubber blue one and we play with it in the backyard and it flies very nicely and Luka really loves it.

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Dusty is our resident frisbee freak and we play frisbee every day. And we've tried loads of them.

The best by far, and the only one I will buy now is the Kong Flyer. It's rubber so it's not hard on her teeth, but it's very strong so when her and Benson use it as a tuggy, it doesn't split or tear.

We use the red one, which doesn't float but I believe there is a similar one which does, if you wanted to use it around water. Our first one got lost at the beach when it was carried out by a wave, the second one got lost in our recent house move, but I'm sure it's in a box somewhere so I went and bought another one.

I have tried ones from toy shops, department stores, sports stores, other pet brands and nothing, absolutely nothing comes near the Kong for durability and flyability.

My boys favourite toy in the world is a kong frisbee, it is used more as a tug nowadays to motivate him for flyball. As you can see from the picture below they aren't quite indestructible but they are very durable. The only other thing about them is they are quite heavy and require a bit of finger and wrist strength to get a good throw but when you get it right they hang nicely.


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I think if you are not going to compete then as long as you stick to a few criteria then all is good:

1. Needs to have softish rounded edges so that it doesn't hurt the puppy's mouth.

2. Should not be at all brittle - this will stop it from shattering in the puppy's mouth. (This would be bad.) Especially a consideration in cooler weather.

3. Should fly as consistently as your throwing will let it. :happydance2: 'Flukey' frisbees are dangerous as they dogs need to twist and turn at the last minute.

That's about it. The discs the lady (not sure who you are talking to, but I'm also in the club) mentioned are my personal favourites and what I use, but at the end of the day if they meet the above criteria then you'll have a ball.

If anyone is keen to play frisbee have a look here:


or PM me.



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We have a long, not overly wide paddock that I use for playing frisbee in. Unless I want to be scaling 6ft fences to collect it from the neighbors yards, I have to be able to control the frisbee and where and how high I throw it.

I find the Kong one to be the easiest to control out of all the ones I've tried. However, I haven't tried the ones mentioned in this thread but would very much like to.

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If you are looking to try the type used in comps. (chosen to fly a long distance well and be safe for pooch) and can't get to a club, check Amazon. I've bought from "The Wright Life" disc shop through Amazon a number of times and can recommend it.

Here is the list of exact models approved for use in Australia, there are other discs suitable for dogs that aren't on that list for various reasons.

I've found the Hyperflite K10's most forgiving of a crappy throw, they flatten out easily but don't give me as much distance as a Frisbee brand Fastback.

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Guest Clover

I use the Aussie Dog one's, the soft blue one though. And i also got a orange rubber from Kmart that works realy well for the price of them.

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I have an aussie dog disc (LINK) that I won in a lucky dip thing at the Dogs SA open day a couple of years ago! Best $2 I ever spent! :rofl: It's the soft rubber blue one and we play with it in the backyard and it flies very nicely and Luka really loves it.

Yep, these are Jazz's favourite. She will walk around carrying them like a dummy.

The blue 1s are softer than the red and also they float if the dog likes swimming. We have yet to destroy 1, and Piper used to play tug with them. We have lost several (over fences, into the reeds at the river - all due to poor throwing, lol) Our current 1 must be around 18 months old and gets used on a daily basis.

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