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Wow, I Feel Like A Pack Leader


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I've been a huge fan of the dog whisperer for a while now, and watched loads and loads of episodes before our puppy came home. From day one, I always made sure the human family walked through doors first, made sure she knew I was in charge of the food etc and it just dawned on me, I actually DO feel like the pack leader in the family.

Last night I had Georgia's dinner ready to give her, she eats outside. So she sat on the mat patiently waiting for me to walk through the door before she came. She knows she's not allowed on the couch unless she's invited, I'm amazed that what I've learnt from that show has enabled me to have a dog that really respects me... its just a fantastic feeling.

I quite often ask my 5yo who walks through the door first, and he answers enthusiastically HUMANS!!! LOL we've gotton some strange looks from family and friends but who cares.

So who else feels like they are the leader of their pack?

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I don't feel I have to walk through doors first in order to be "leader" with my dog. If my dog is super excited, then I will make her sit before opening a door but sometimes I encourage her to go through a door first.

And I don't believe that letting dogs up on furniture/beds means dogs won't respect you. With some dogs, maybe, yes, but certainly not all.

However, if a dog is showing signs of dominace/aggression it makes sense to revoke these privileges until they come to respect you more. And I am aware that some more "dominant" dogs do require a firm hand and quite strict rules, I haven't owned any dogs that would fit this description and admire people who do, and make it work :(

I'm in two minds about the dog whisperer. I think he does make some really important points especially regarding regular exercise and appropriate discipline. But some of the things he does are quite dangerous and the only reason he can pull them off is because he is supremely confident and achieves a level of calmess (in scary situations) that the average person would never be able to attain.

I find some of his methods extreme and likely only to have short term effects. He addresses many behavioural probalems that really can't be fixed in one day, or even one year. Which encourages unrealistic expectations of some viewers.

But I am glad that you feel you are "pack leader" and have benefitted from watching the shows :) At least it encourages people to interact with their dogs and exercise them more which is a good thing :)

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Last Christmas my son and his girlfriend brought their two dogs to stay with us over the holidays. They have an orange belton English Setter and a cute little rescue mutt. One day I walked my three.....two Aussies and an old Lhasa Apso, as well as their two, home from a play at the local school grounds. I felt exactly like the dog whisperer.

Thank goodness they were all tired from playing cos I might have been the dog flyer if they'd decided to take off after a cat or something.

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