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Here's A Corker


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Just when you thought advice could not get worst

a lady come in today with an 8 week old puppy (swf breed), she wants to teach it to sleep in a kennel during the day so the vet told her to chain it to the kennel overnight ;) It's absolutely freezing out here at night I cannot imagine a 2kg puppy all alone in a kennel in the backyard being 'fine'

she already has a crate so I told her the pup would be fine in there, have a big pee and poo first, zip it in with a chicken neck and all will be safe and hunky dory.

You really have to wonder :p

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no no owner was totally worried about leaving poor pup outside at all but when a so called professional gives you that advice ... :p vet said unless its -1 and raining the pup will be fine :rofl: errr no!

puppy is happily staying in laundry or crate and outside time is when owner is home and weather is good ;)

Edited by Nekhbet
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no if she has to pop out pup can go in crate with a chicken neck to amuse her (as not to mess rest of the house), just to make sure pup has a wee and a poo first so it's not caught short while in the crate ;)

The point of her original Q to vet was how to get pup to realise the kennel is to be used when she has outside time. Vet said leave her out there tied to the kennel and that a pup that small doesnt have to be inside overnight! Kennel isnt meant to be her home just a shelter or if she wants a lie down

eta crate is also where pup sleeps at night

Edited by Nekhbet
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Hope you asked who the vet was so you can tell everyone to keep away from them. Bloody disgusting, thank goodness she had the sense to ignore that.

I would not advise an 8 week old pup be left alone with a chicken neck though. They can get stuck or choke at that age especially the small breeds. My adult cat got one stuck in a back tooth & was very distressed & drooling.

Only to be fed when you are home.

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