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Face Kisses!


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Does anyone know why some dogs lick your face while others dont? I haven't ever owned a face licker before but Jager does it at times. Only 3-4 licks and then goes back to sleeping or chewing or whatever he was doing on my lap before.

I like to think its a sign of affection but i am sure it isn't. Does my face taste like mince beef or something?

Just curious...

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I had read a long time ago that in the wild very young dogs would lick their mom's face in the hope that she would regurgitate and therefore have a ready made meal. I don't think pet dogs expect that we are going to provide an instant meal, lol. Actually, I have noticed that some dogs in packs do tend to lick other dog's faces as a sign of respect, you could call it "sucking up". This same behaviour obviously applies to wild dogs. I like to think that the same reason applies, our dog lick our face as a way of displaying affection and as a sign of respect; I bet that it also takes place when they sniff the nice aroma of a roast emanating from our mouths, lol.

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Im not animal expert or dog trainer :confused: but i always thought it was a submissive affection? (maybe affection isnt the right word but i cant think properly :confused: ) like to someone/somedog they see as higher in the pack then them? I have never seen a dominate dog do it to a submissive dog but i have seen the under dogs do it to the top dogs? also in wolf packs (in docco's)

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Im not animal expert or dog trainer :laugh: but i always thought it was a submissive affection? (maybe affection isnt the right word but i cant think properly :confused: ) like to someone/somedog they see as higher in the pack then them? I have never seen a dominate dog do it to a submissive dog but i have seen the under dogs do it to the top dogs? also in wolf packs (in docco's)

this makes sense to me as my dog licks me constantly and she is quite submissive. Not what I expected in a bull mastiff!! :confused:

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Im not animal expert or dog trainer :wave: but i always thought it was a submissive affection? (maybe affection isnt the right word but i cant think properly :confused: ) like to someone/somedog they see as higher in the pack then them? I have never seen a dominate dog do it to a submissive dog but i have seen the under dogs do it to the top dogs? also in wolf packs (in docco's)

this makes sense to me as my dog licks me constantly and she is quite submissive. Not what I expected in a bull mastiff!! :confused:

yeah and also puppies do it quite alot more (that i have seen) than adult dogs and what i know of puppies are usually lower on the pack chain so it makes sense to me :laugh:

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Jarrah is a compulsive face licker, he will bounce up & down in front of you to you head height trying to lick your face & trying to get his tongue in your mouth. :confused: It's not really a submissive lick, more a "Oh my god, I can't believe it, I'm so excited" lick, he has started doing it in DwD trials (super excited to be out there dancing & just can't control himself I think), so if anyone has any great ideas other than whacking him on the head, or kneeing him as he jumps up (neither of them are a good look in front of the judge :confused: ) please let me know!

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Jarrah is a compulsive face licker, he will bounce up & down in front of you to you head height trying to lick your face & trying to get his tongue in your mouth. :confused: It's not really a submissive lick, more a "Oh my god, I can't believe it, I'm so excited" lick, he has started doing it in DwD trials (super excited to be out there dancing & just can't control himself I think), so if anyone has any great ideas other than whacking him on the head, or kneeing him as he jumps up (neither of them are a good look in front of the judge :( ) please let me know!

:laugh::wave::rofl::o oh ok ummmmm sorry im not sure how to stop him other than what you already said :confused: hopefully someone here can help you ;)

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We have Lilly the Licker in our house. I think she is part lizard as her tongue never stops flicking in and out of her mouth. She loves licking us and visitors (and we try to discourage her) - she will lick clothes, shoes, arms, legs, faces - doesn't matter.

Oscar does the submissive mouth lick to the other 2 - mostly to Patch though (who is top dog) and he will occasionally give us a slow lick, especially when he is tired. Nothing worse than jumping into bed and then getting licked by Oscar on my feet :confused:

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Any dog of mine has never had the chance to find out what human face tastes like. It's turns my stomach to think of it. :confused:

So, I have no answer for the original question. I just know that the one time someone else's dog licked me, I launched into the bathroom to wash it off. :confused: It's like backs to the wall, don't drop the soap...

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Bonnie does it to clean my grubby sons face, constantly paints his face with his food(hes 2) so she just cant help herself. Knows she is not aloud to touch anyfood my kids have in their hand,drop on floor until the kids say she can have it so decides to get it off his face/ears/hair/eyes etc etc etc. Know my eldest,baby and I dont like our faces licked so wont do it but both dogs attck OH, son no1 & daughter no2 with face kisses,,Ewww. Lol and constantly licks Mother In-laws arms as they know she hates it lol,dont do it to any other visitors, swear they do it on purpose to wind her up. :rofl:

Seriously think its a respect gesture though as they always try to do it after being told off.

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I agree with the respect and submission.

My 2 pups are 8 and 10 months and they constantly do it to the 2 adult dogs (which I think p##@es them off actually), especially if one has been away from the others. Its like "you still love me don't you?"

I am not a fan of face kisses myself, and trained 1 of my dogs not to do it, but they all still get in with the sly slobberings to clean up my kids faces too!

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Any dog of mine has never had the chance to find out what human face tastes like. It's turns my stomach to think of it. :)

So, I have no answer for the original question. I just know that the one time someone else's dog licked me, I launched into the bathroom to wash it off. :eek: It's like backs to the wall, don't drop the soap...

:o :D :D i dont hate it that much but i dislike it enough and cant stand dogs licking my kids! FEZ constantly tries to reach the kids faces when he is excited and they are playing/holding him! he knows no one likes it he gets growled at and will stop then but will sneak em in if he can lol. atm i have a lamb who likes to nibble my toes :rofl::( ;) :rofl::rofl:

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We have Lilly the Licker in our house. I think she is part lizard as her tongue never stops flicking in and out of her mouth. She loves licking us and visitors (and we try to discourage her) - she will lick clothes, shoes, arms, legs, faces - doesn't matter.

Same with mine.

Before I got him the thought of a dog licking me anywhere turned my stomach

Now sometimes he licks my mouth and I dont really care haha (not encouraged!)


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My girl is a foot licker, she gets right in between your toes and will often lick your foot until it's soppy then start up the leg. She does it for pure enjoyment, her eyes are always closed in absolute happiness.

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My evil beagle is a licker. She is soooo bad!!! I have never seen a tongue stretch so far just to try and lick your face!! She will sit on your lap and lick at your face for hours on end if you let her! I dont but sometimes OH will if he's just about to get in the shower. Its soooo disgusting :rofl: My cocker very rarely licks and if she does its usually one or two licks on the hand

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