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Dogs On The Corner Killed Old Mans Dog Sunday Night


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:laugh: that makes me so so mad he is enableing this stupid womans behaviour. do you know this man? maybe you should talk to him and try to get him to do it.

someones going to get hurt they could kill an adult let alone a child. i would be ringing the ranger every day and getting the neighbours to do the same until something is done.

people need to make a stand before it gets anyworse.

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the male dog howled the whole day yesterday arvo so he must be tied or locked up i have no idea about the bitch.i going to put in a noise complaint about him today i think i was talking to my neighbour across the road from me just before and they are going to do the same.this neighbour has already had a few run ins with the owner of the dogs about them wondering around.

maybe if there is enough complaints something will have to be done

i dont tknow the dog owner personally but i do know his daughter in law am going to try and see her to see if she can talk him into pressing charges

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im not sure this is just what the vet assistant was telling me this morning she is also friends with his daughter in law and it has come straight from the daughter in law what happened (with ripping the dog tp shreds) and the fact that he doesnt want charges pressed.like i said at least the male dog is still there you would think that if they were going to be destroyed they wouldnt still be there :confused:

either way im going to put another complaint in today

like i said to the vet nurse if it had have happened to my dogs they would have been destroyed all ready they are like a timebomb just waiting to go of

like i said yesterday the really sad thing is it could have all been prevented

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im not sure this is just what the vet assistant was telling me this morning she is also friends with his daughter in law and it has come straight from the daughter in law what happened (with ripping the dog tp shreds) and the fact that he doesnt want charges pressed.like i said at least the male dog is still there you would think that if they were going to be destroyed they wouldnt still be there :confused:

either way im going to put another complaint in today

like i said to the vet nurse if it had have happened to my dogs they would have been destroyed all ready they are like a timebomb just waiting to go of

like i said yesterday the really sad thing is it could have all been prevented

because you live close by if i was you i would phone the council and let them know of your concerns and ask them what they are going to do about the situation.

if they dont say anything then follow it up with a letter,

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i just got of the ph with the ranger he said he is keeping an eye on the situation,at the moment the dogs will be kep chained up ,there is some forms that have to be processed in regards to what has happened she has to have cages built for the dogs but until the forms have bee processed the dogs are allowed of the chain under supervision.they will not be DESTROYED

both of them are still there

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The time has long passed for more phone complaints.

Email them today Memphis!

Write down a list with dates of all the things you can remember. Times you called council, times the dogs were out, description of the fences, other people that have claimed to have seen the dogs out, the name of the vet.

Write it all out in point form for them, all the facts without any opinions, then demand that the council do something straight away.

Email this to four people. The mayor, the council CEO, the animal management department and the editor of the local paper.

Phone calls have achieved nothing but a dead dog. Make these people accountable.

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Poor dog, that is JUST disgusting. :confused: :confused:

Are these people hoons? (I dare say they are by the sounds of things) Maybe the old guy is scared to press charges??? Geez if it were my dog they ripped apart like that, I would be demanding charges be laid, because I wouldnt want it happening again to someone elses dog.

12 years is a long time to have a dog - what a sad way to end his/her life. :wave:

Very similiar to the incident that happened here a few mths back with the neighbours dogs getting out and killing someones pet in the early hours of the morning. Those dogs were seized by a ranger and were subsequently pts.

It also could of been prevented if the di@khead had of actually looked and fixed the hole in the fence where his dogs were getting out from instead of just putting them behind the gate and driving off. :laugh:

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Email this to four people. The mayor, the council CEO, the animal management department and the editor of the local paper.

Phone calls have achieved nothing but a dead dog. Make these people accountable.

I haven't read the whole thread, because I don't want to read about the man's sorrow and his poor dog.

Just wanted to add a couple more people to the list of people: your State Member and Federal Member. As Greytmate says: these people MUST be made accountable for actions and lack of actions. :confused::confused::laugh:

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sounds to me this ranger needs more then a kick up the ass he needs to loose his job. there is no reason these dogs should not be pts they are dnagerous. keep complaining everyday. and i agree go to council and the paper.

also if she cant put a fence up i would say these dog cages are not going to be of standard

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hi again yes i was thinking earlier about emailing our local paper the riverina grazier the ranger didnt seem real worried about the dogs he was like well they are tied up now and i will keep an eye on it.he was supposed to keep an eye on them months ago when they first started getting out :confused:

i will also send a email to the shire office i will print a copie of the email i send out so have it in my records

like i said there have been numourous complaints about the dogs and it was only a matter of time until something happened.

i dont no so much if the people are hoons or they just dont give a shit

i think they are under the impression that because she brought the house she is above the law

ever way like what has been said this man has lost his dog,even the vet assistant told me if it had of been her dogs it happened to she would have had them destroyed.

i think as she is close to the mans daughter in law she is going to push for her to convince him to get it done before it happens again

i dont know if there is a time period that it has to be done in for charges to be laid :confused:

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Yes they are a joke they are not interested.

Its not all their fault though you have to understand aswell that people are whingers, you can just imagine how many bogus and frivolous reports they get on a regular basis. But in this particular case he'd already been there so he knew it was not bullshit.

Ring them and tell them about someone owning an alleged "Pitbull" though they will probably drop everything and be there like ghostbusters.

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i just got of the ph with the ranger he said he is keeping an eye on the situation,at the moment the dogs will be kep chained up ,there is some forms that have to be processed in regards to what has happened she has to have cages built for the dogs but until the forms have bee processed the dogs are allowed of the chain under supervision.they will not be DESTROYED

both of them are still there


Those dogs need to be IMMEDIATELY IMPOUNDED. Then an investigation could be done and the dogs euthanised or declared Dangerous or whatever. There is no way the dogs should be allowed to go back to that woman until she has paid all fines and associated impounding costs and has appropriate containment for a dog that has been declared Dangerous. If she cannot pay or do that, dogs must be PTS.

I am all for proper investigation, but in the mean time, those dogs are still a real danger to the community.

What those dogs did was at the extreme end of bad dog behaviour. As if a chain or supervision is going to remove the danger? The council needs to get real, right now. 'Keeping an eye' on it is completely negligent.

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yes i would hjave thought they would have at least been impounded i can understand themnot wanting to deal with it if it was a heap of people just whinging but the behaviour has been building up for a while and came to a hea the other night as it is i will not allow my daughter to be out on our nature strip unsupervised and we live on the oppisite side of the road and 4 houses back from this house.

yes the ranger and the shire have had numerous complaints about them not only from our area but from up to 4 blocks away

it really does make you waonder how serious things have to be before the council takes it seriously

i have just sent a letter of concern to our local paper will see if i get a response

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You will find that they are processing a notice of intent to declare them to be dangerous. The owner has 7 days under the CAA to lodge any objections and appeal to council as to why they shouldn't be declared. They can also seek legal advice during this time.

I think you will find that they will most likely surrender the dogs once they have been declared dangerous, as it costs plenty of money to build a cage that meets the CAA requirements. That cage may also be sujbect to a DA, depending on their location and it will certainly have to pass council inspection upon completion.

If you want to assist the rangers/council in their decision making, the best thing you can do is write down the details of the incidents and forward them to council. Include in this a letter of complaint to the General Manager.

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The time has long passed for more phone complaints.

Email them today Memphis!

Write down a list with dates of all the things you can remember. Times you called council, times the dogs were out, description of the fences, other people that have claimed to have seen the dogs out, the name of the vet.

Write it all out in point form for them, all the facts without any opinions, then demand that the council do something straight away.

Email this to four people. The mayor, the council CEO, the animal management department and the editor of the local paper.

Phone calls have achieved nothing but a dead dog. Make these people accountable.

:confused::confused: yep i agree

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Sorry, awful story but this doesn't make a lot of sense to me :confused:

Firstly- the owners have 4 dogs on the property (plus 11 puppies). Is that even allowed? Do they have a license for all 4 dogs?

The ranger was called repeatedly due to the dogs barking/escaping/chasing people and dogs etc and they were never impounded? What happened when the ranger was called? Did the dogs suddenly go home and sit in their yard again? Did the ranger not come out to investigate?

The owners put up lattice instead of fencing? And no one thought to call the ranger and complain before the dogs busted through it? or after there were holes and they put up chairs? Didn't the ranger come back and check that they had complied?

Why did someone not call the ranger to have the dogs impounded when they escaped AGAIN?

Have the dogs ever attacked before? Just because they "chase" people it doesn't mean they are necesarily "people aggressive" either.

The male killed the puppies? Not all that unusual, it doesn't necessarily mean dog agression either.

It's very sad to hear about the dog that was killed, though I dont understand (if there had been as many complaints as you say) why the council didn't take action earlier :confused:

I hate to say it but in all likelyhood the dogs will not be pts. If anything they will be declared dangerous and the owners will be ordered to build a suitable enclosure, muzzle their dogs in public etc. But if your council was that slack over a fencing issue (and are now allowing the dogs to remain at the property rather than seizing them after an attack/inadequate fencing/multiple complaints) then I can't really see them enforcing it.

Ring them and tell them about someone owning an alleged "Pitbull" though they will probably drop everything and be there like ghostbusters.

:laugh: Yeah sad but true.

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